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Cryptograin adalah layanan yang terakumulasi dengan cepat, menyimpan, dan meningkatkan dana seperti yang Anda lakukan sebelumnya. Semua dana yang terdaftar ditransfer ke layanan Cryptograin.
Token Sale
25 Jun 2018
29 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token

Tentang Cryptograin

Setiap hari, membayar dengan kartu kredit atau debit, Anda secara otomatis mentransfer tabungan Anda ke dompet elektronik. Semua dana terdaftar ditransfer ke & nbsp; layanan Cryptograin .

Cryptograin Tim

Diverifikasi 40%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Andrey Rovba
Investment consultant
tidak diverifikasi
Maksim Shabalikhin
Team Lead of Developers
tidak diverifikasi
Dmitry Kovalenkov
Front-end developer
Rodion Scriabin
tidak diverifikasi
Alexander Zharkov
UX/UI Designer


Diverifikasi 100%

Denis Voronov
Adviser ICO

Cryptograin Wawancara

Denis Voronov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
BEA (Blockchain Experts Association) supports Cryptograin project because of its real utility for ordinary people. The idea is tested by the already existing service in the US. So we expect success in the rest of the countries covered by the project.
Developers team has been working on the prototype for several months. And the team is known in the community of programmers in St. Petersburg.
In short, the project repeats a good idea and has a real team and already made long-term investments, as well as backed by financial institutions.
Dmitry Kovalenkov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Teamlead Forntend Developer
Alexander Zharkov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
its a great idea that helps everyone of us to save and collect money, invest it and gain more. Even if you are not financially educated you can save and gain money easily.

In the project I am responsible for product design, design system and interfaces

Cryptograin Berita terakhir

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  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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