CryptoFlix ICO

CryptoFlix ICO

Created using Figma

Pembaharuan Terakhir

10 Mei 2018

Platform streaming film Blockchain untuk memberi semua orang, di mana saja akses legal ke film dan untuk mendidik umat manusia melintasi perbatasan.
15 Mei 2018
15 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 25 000 000.00 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
iya nih
pendidikan, Hiburan

Tentang CryptoFlix ICO


CRYPTOFLIX adalah perusahaan media pertama di Blockchain yang memanfaatkan kekosongan besar ini di pasar konten berbayar, yang hanya dapat dicapai dengan menghindari opsi pembayaran normal dan menggunakan mata uang digital. Kami juga merupakan perusahaan media pertama & ndash; baik di Blockchain maupun di luar & ndash; untuk berani menawarkan konten online gratis dengan tujuan pendidikan melalui film dan TV untuk semua orang, terlepas dari lokasi, asal, atau status sosial ekonomi mereka.

Melalui pengembangan, pematenan dan pemanfaatan teknologi baru, tujuan kami adalah untuk memudahkan pengguna melakukan streaming film secara legal dengan membuatnya lebih murah daripada mendownload versi bajakan.

% name% Roadmap

  • Quarter 3, 2017

  • Concept Created
  • Quarter 4, 2017

  • Platform Development Initiated
  • Quarter 1, 2018

  • ICO Announced
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • Content Sourcing
    Regional Partnership Search
    Further Platform Development
    Begin Development of Anti-Piracy Technology
    Payment Solution Partnership Search
    Legal Market Due Diligence
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Quarter 3, 2018

  • Launch CRYPTOFLIX Alpha
    Further Content Sourcing and Uploads
    Begin Technology Patent Process
  • Quarter 4, 2018

  • First Public Market Launch of CRYPTOFLIX Platform
    Launch Water Marketing Technology
    Launch Charitable Trust
    Source Film Market Project and Partners
  • Quarter 1, 2019

  • Launch FILM MARKET
    Further Market Rollouts
  • Quarter 2, 2019

  • Focus on Content Sourcing
    Marketing in Current Markets
    Rolling out Platform into New Markets

CryptoFlix ICO Tim

Diverifikasi 80%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Christian Falkenberg...
CEO and Producer
Stefan Steen Larsen
COO and and Digital Rights Expert
Bastian Noreen Larse...
Full Stack Developer
Gabriela Y. Rios
Marketing Manager
George Thomas
Blockchain Developer
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Edward Arentz
tidak diverifikasi
Jonathan Brathwaite
tidak diverifikasi

Mantan anggota

Peter Rommel

CryptoFlix ICO Wawancara

Christian Falkenberg Husum
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the CEO and Founder of CryptoFlix. I think CryptoFlix is the solution to a real problem - both for the users as well as for the film industry.
Stefan Steen Larsen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hello. I am Stefan Larsen - COO and co-founder of CryptoFlix. CEO Christian Falkenberg Husum and I have developed this idea over quite some time now and with everything now aligned for a major launch we are very excited about the reception and feedback the CryptoFlix platform and ecosystem has received from film industry players as well as the digital currency community.
As a team with such a massive experience in all fields covered by CryptoFlix we know that this is a genuinely unique approach and solution to many of the problems faced by the film industry today - both in terms of distribution and production financing.
Bastian Noreen Larsen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Gabriela Y. Rios
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to manage the marketing actions in order to achieve our fundraising goals. I love the idea of a film streaming platform on the blockchain because it will allow unbanked countries to legally access movies and educational content.

CryptoFlix ICO Berita terakhir

5.0 14
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

CRYPTOFLIX is platform for streaming movies and films finding powered by block chain giving everyone across the globe legal access to the movies and educations based on humanity.


  • The platform enables the users to freely access online content with educational information via films or TV to everyone regardless of their location, origin or socio economic status
  • The use of FLIX token enable the users to receive discounts when making payment on the cryptoflix platform
  • The users are able to participate in the  platform directly enabling them to equally finance some of the investments making them to fully reliable for the successes
  • The platform enables  the non-private individuals or institutions to access educational content through a prepaid  monthly subscription  plan which is comparatively cheaper and ensures that the content owners are satisfied as their content is used correctly
  • The platform is easily used by all the user from any device  and once they enter the platform navigation is smoother due to clear categories of the content making it user friendly
  • The provision of user  and device drawn enables the users to live stream movies even at the lowest internet speed connections
  • The platform enables the content owners to  gain access to a whole new market with trusted territory non-exclusive distribution  hence creating a lot of transparency
  • The co-founder  Christian Falkenberg Husum and other involved team  have credible experience having gained many years of experience in experience in the entertainment industry


  • The users  are not able to access full package of the content as the project has not been launched
  • The FLIX token use is not determined at the pre-sale  for its suitability
  • The platform whitepaper should be specific on the users values


  • The involved team should fully implement the project for the users to gain full access of the content
  • The whitepaper should be designed to cater for all the people in all regions with no complexity
Baca lebih banyak

The advantages of the project Cryptoflix:

MVP is ready;
Adequate business plan;
Understanding the market and marketing strategy;
Experienced team.

The minuses of the project Cryptoflix:

Insufficiently elaborated concept of the project;
A vague idea of the target audience;
The lack of strong competitive advantages.

Baca lebih banyak

With CRYPTOFLIX platform and FLIX Tokens, Company wants to interrupt the international film industry and allow people to legally access the movies from anywhere by using normal payment option or digital currency. It will also provide free online content for educational purpose to everyone through films and TV without any boundaries of social-economic status, location, and origin. Similarly like other ICOs such MeetnGreetme, Dafzo, Enlte, Adblurb, BlockFood, ECOS, Cryptofilx also launching its ICO.You can participate in CRYPTOFLIX ICO to contribute your support.

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  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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