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Pembaharuan Terakhir

22 Jun 2018

Analisis kripto pertama di dunia berdasarkan AI
ICO Cryptics
27 Agu 2018
24 Sep 2018
100% lengkap
$1 396 237
topi keras
7% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 20 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 20 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 QRP
    1 USD
25 Jun 2018
26 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency

Tentang Cryptics

Tentang Kriptografi

Kriptografi akan menutup kesenjangan antara pengetahuan dan modal pada a Tingkat P2P untuk mendapatkan pasar kripto di tingkat yang baru di dunia ekonomi.

  • Kumpulan Data Terdesentralisasi
    Jaringan P2P mengumpulkan data berdasarkan blockchain dan berpartisipasi aktif keberhasilan
  • Influencer dan Data Pedagang Teratas
    Mengumpulkan data penggerak terbaik di pasar
  • Belajar Mesin
    Setiap hari, Kriptografi akan lebih pintar untuk perkiraan
  • berikutnya
  • Customizable
    Tetapkan tujuan dan taktik Anda dan dapatkan prakiraan kustom Anda
  • PR & amp; Sinyal sosial
    Mengumpulkan dan menganalisa un / & amp; informasi resmi dari sumber yang relevan
  • Hanya yang penting
    Cryptics AI hanya akan menunjukkan informasi yang penting Langkah selanjutnya Anda


- Desentralisasi Pengumpulan data: Jaringan P2P mengumpulkan data berbasis di blockchain dan berpartisipasi pada kesuksesan
- Influencer dan Top Trader Data: Mengumpulkan data yang terbaik penggerak di pasar
- Pembelajaran Mesin: Setiap hari Kriptografi akan menjadi lebih cerdas untuk Anda ramalan berikutnya
- Customizable: Tetapkan tujuan dan taktik Anda dan dapatkan kebiasaan Anda prakiraan
- PR & amp; Sinyal sosial: Mengumpulkan dan menganalisis un / & amp; informasi resmi dari sumber yang relevan
- Hanya yang penting: Cryptics AI hanya akan menunjukkan informasi yang penting untuk langkah selanjutnya Anda

% name% Roadmap

  • Desember 2016 - Ide dan penelitian

  • - Pengembangan ide Kriptografi
    - Penelitian kerja
    - Pengumpulan data
  • Q1-Q2 2017 - Mulai dari pembangunan

  • - Menguji model matematis
    - Pengujian ML & DL pada data yang terkumpul
    - Prakiraan pertama
    - Menambahkan berita dan sumber data sosial
    - Mempekerjakan tim
    - konsepsi AI
  • Q3-Q4 2017 - ICO

  • - Pengembangan Token dan Dompet berdasarkan Etherium
    - Memperbesar tim dengan para ahli di ML & DL, UX, Marketing, Business Development
    - Siapkan ICO (Whitepaper, Website, Marketing)
    - PreICO pada November 2017
    - Hello World untuk MvP pada November 2017
    - ICO pada Desember 2017
  • 2018 - Produksi

  • - Pengembangan AI untuk perbaikan perkiraan
    - Luncurkan fitur portfolio
    - Kegiatan pemasaran di seluruh dunia
    - Menarik kelompok pakar AI secara kompetitif
    - Bukti kriptografi sebagai pembayaran untuk layanan perkiraan
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 2019 - otomatisasi & dana

  • - Integrasi penuh bot untuk semua transaksi pasar
    - Pengembangan infrastruktur dana desentralisasi
    - Pengelolaan portofolio secara otomatis berdasarkan perkiraan KPI
  • Q1-Q2 2020 - Expand

  • - Versi lengkap sudah siap dan mulai tingkat perkembangan selanjutnya
    - Menambahkan lebih banyak sinyal real-time dari media untuk meningkatkan kecepatan prakiraan ke makna dunia nyata
    - Lebih dari 30.000 transaksi per bulan berdasarkan prakiraan
  • Q3-Q4 2020 - Dana yang terdesentralisasi

  • - Peluncuran dana dezentralized yang dikelola oleh pengguna Cryptics
    - Berdasarkan perkiraan AI dan manajemen otomatis
    - Menghasilkan prakiraan, infrastruktur dana dan pemasaran untuk dana

Partisipasi dalam acara

Cryptics Tim

Diverifikasi 7%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Andrew Gurar
Fund Infrastructure Manager,Product development
tidak diverifikasi
Valerii Hirda
Marketing, PPC expert
tidak diverifikasi
Yehoshua Westover
BUSINESS ANGEL, COO of China-Israel Science Techno...
tidak diverifikasi


$1 396 237

David Kuhl
BUSINESS ANGEL, Head Banking Sales at VASCO
tidak diverifikasi
Yuriy Chaban
tidak diverifikasi
Alex Namgaladze
tidak diverifikasi


$12 893 057

Akbar Murataliev
tidak diverifikasi
Stanislav Maer
CEO, Projectmanagement, IT & Marketing
tidak diverifikasi
Oleg Tereshenko
CEO, Strategic & Process Management
tidak diverifikasi
Maxim Maslennikov
CTO, AI Software Architect
tidak diverifikasi


$1 396 237

Alex Voronetsky
Financial Analyst, Product Development
Yaroslaw Homenko
Data scientist, Algorithm Development
tidak diverifikasi
Ilya Tkachev
Head of R&D, Quant Trader
tidak diverifikasi
Andrew Konstantin
UX Expert, Product Front-end
tidak diverifikasi


$1 396 237

Dmitry Shcherbakov
Data Scientist. Scientific Research
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim


$2 271 237

Stas Oskin
tidak diverifikasi


$2 271 237

Sebastian Stupurac
tidak diverifikasi
Ofer Rotem
tidak diverifikasi


$39 096 237

Guy Corem
ADVISOR, The president of DAGlabs
tidak diverifikasi


$1 396 237

Jan Robert Schutte
ADVISOR, Cofounder CryptoAcademy, Former BinckBank...
tidak diverifikasi

29 ICOs

$221 542 904

Ismail Malik
ICO STRATEGY ADVISOR, BlockchainLab founder, ICO C...
tidak diverifikasi
Hyeonjin Kim
PR ADVISOR, Collaborative studies with BMW and Bos...
tidak diverifikasi


$11 436 723

Giovanni Lesna
tidak diverifikasi
Bruce Jeong
LEGAL ADVISOR, IDACB Member of the Board of Direct...
tidak diverifikasi


$1 463 077

Zahid Ali
tidak diverifikasi
Sergei Holmeckis
tidak diverifikasi

Cryptics Wawancara

Alex Voronetsky
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a financial analyst in the company.
My responsibility is to budget allocation and spending planning for mass media publications and other marketing activities requiring financial planning. Also collecting and publishing information on ico trackers and update the data.

As a part of product development. Part of the work includes developing strategies for trading robots, collecting information from public sources about sites and persons influencing the crypto market.

This is a good project with a strong team. I proud that I work together with a strong team. Trading bots in one day will displace manual trading and decision making, as happens in the stock markets. We want to be ahead and be ready.

Cryptics Berita terakhir

5.0 18
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan


The idea of Cryptics seems to be to make cryptocurrency investment more accessible and easier for the general public. Through automated trading, giving investors access to clear data, and by providing AI market predictions, they hope to achieve this. If the Cryptics platform does indeed take off, they’ve pre-engineered their network to handle 88,000 regular users. They’ve expected and prepared for success, which is always a great sign to see in an ICO.

Well-planned roadmap
Easy-to-use platform
Allows users to view and imitate high-performing portfolios
Self-learning AI
AI isn’t completely accurate, so there is still the potential for loss to be had.

Baca lebih banyak
News, reviews

We can note the following among the advantages of the project:

Detailed business plan and product description;
Ready MVP.
Next, we should mention the shortcomings of the project:

Banal idea of the product;
High competition in the market;
Lack of marketing strategy.

Baca lebih banyak
News, reviews

It will of course be your own level of risk that you look for regarding any initial coin offerings that you do take part in as to whether the Cryptics ICO is going to be appealing to you or not, but it does have to be said it is a unique concept that backs it.

When you are interested in investing in any initial coin offering or token generation event you should set aside plenty of time to do your research on each one that has caught your mitigation, and the very first place to do that research in on the ICO website.

As such please do spend some time looking over the website of the Cryptics initial coin offering for by doing so you are going to be able to read through the white paper that will enlighten you on the business idea backing this ICO in more detail and can also view the roadmap too.

Baca lebih banyak

Cryptics is a multi-featured artificial intelligence platform that aims to provide smarter analysis for the crypto community. The platform offers three core functions, including analysis, forecasting, and fund management. You can access the analysis and forecasting tools to determine where a particular cryptocurrency may be headed in the future. You can also launch a fund through the platform. You can launch a fund then accept money from investors, for example, or you can open your own fund to the public as a copy fund, then receive a reward based on the amount of capital copying your portfolio.

Baca lebih banyak

Analysis of the market which we provide in the corresponding section shows the absence of a similar analytical platform in the market of crypto-assets. Along with the usual services of providing historical data and short-term forecasts based exclusively on such data, CRYPTICS offers a number of qualitative differences and advantages:

The forecasts of other platforms are often short-term, and hence are used to manage private funds, rather than to provide information to a wider range of users.
Other platforms mostly take into account only quantitative market data, while the CRYPTICS platform takes into account data from several important sources including social networks, macroeconomic indicators, opinions of leading analysts, etc.
CRYPTICS will not only have a leading team of data scientists with strong AI skills, but will also provide a platform for contests, where academics can try tackling practical problems in ML and DL within the fast developing and challenging area of crypto-assets.
CRYPTICS will provide its trader customers with an infrastructure for the decentralized creation of private funds.

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