

BuzzShow is a video social media network which incorporates the blockchain technology in a reward-based ecosystem. The platform offers full decentralization and a unique social media experience to users who can earn the platform’s native utility tokens by creating, curating, sharing and viewing video contents.

Tentang BuzzShow

BuzzShow is where reward meets decentralized video social network.

BuzzShow is a developed blockchain based social media video network ecosystem, that is highly rewarding the users with BuzzShow GLDY utility Tokens, for creating, curating, sharing & viewing videos.
BuzzShow is giving back users control on their video social media space.

A unique reward based social video platform that creates an economy around video content, enabling new, innovative means to monetise content, grow revenues, engage users and raise their numbers and session times. BuzzShow is the natural next step in the evolution of video consumption and social network, transforming otherwise passive viewers into active Video Jockeys, where they program and manage their own video channels and get rewarded. The BuzzShow™ patented system and sophisticated algorithms continually index and monitor the popularity of individual video clips and assign each a dynamic, fluctuating price, based on their overall and comparative performance worldwide and within the BuzzShow platform. BuzzShow has been launched as reward base social media video network destination, available on the web and mobile, and offers a wide variety of popular short form video clip categories for users to choose from, including music videos, film and television clips, comedy, sports highlights, animation, UGC content and news.

BuzzShow is currently in process to launch its next version as fully decentralised blockchain reward based video social network, Launching its Ongoing Main Token Sale September 2018.
The Token will be sold directly in the developed blockchain based BuzzShow Platform.


5 062
4 977
4 295
1 133


Offer Kohen
Founder & Inventor,  CEO
Robert Ezri
Head Of Blockchain Development, CTO
Jay Van Den Berg
Head Of Business Development & Sales, CBDO
Tunde Osho
Content And Social Media Manager
Grace Victoria Lopez
Online Marketing Manager And Token Holder Relatio...
Moazzam Ali
Head Of IT Operation
Joseph Jimenez
Cyber Security Manager
Sjef Pijnenburg
UGC & Premium Content Advisor
Maarten Van Wieren
Economics & Financial Advisor

127 ICOs

$663 780 662

Ian Scarffe
Blockchain – ICO Advisor
Ofer Oved
Business Development Advisor
Avner Parnes
Financial Investment Advisor
David Leibowitz
Entertainment Market Advisor
Fernando Molina
Spain & Latin America Media Advisor
Óscar Domínguez
Spain & Latin America Blockchain Advisor
Bilal Habib
Project Manager
Bilal Khan
Technical Lead
Irfan Faiz
UI/UX Designer
Imran Ali Khan
UI/UX Developer
Abdullah Masood
Android Developer
Laiq Ahmed
IOS Developer
Ahtisham Waheed
API Developer
Ummar Yousuf Khan
Senior Software Engineer
Muteeb Ahmad
Software Engineer