

Tentang Blockchain.NRW

Your blockchain journey begins with Blockchain.NRW. We give you access to everything you need for your vision.” Blockchain.NRW is coordinated by the Blockchain Reallabor at Fraunhofer FIT. It is an ecosystem project for community building and brand building and is aimed at blockchain beginners, enthusiasts and enablers. The Blockchain.NRW community, consisting of providers of blockchain solutions, meets regularly to advance blockchain in NRW. Become a Blockchain.NRW member by registering your blockchain solution for free on the Blockchain.NRW map and benefit from our strong community as a member: At the same time, we see ourselves as a contact person for beginners who are at the beginning of their blockchain journey and are looking for information. We promote discussion and knowledge creation on the topic of blockchain. We are not in competition with other initiatives, but are an independent and networking unit between the different actors.