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22 Sep 2019

Canlead adalah platform peer-to-peer (P2P) terdesentralisasi untuk menciptakan dan berbagi peluang kerja, produk dan layanan menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain Ethereum dan Sistem File Antarplanet (IPFS), yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi tanpa memerlukan perantara. .
Misi Canlead adalah menjadi pasar 'peluang & rujukan' terdesentralisasi pertama di dunia, dengan fokus pada pasar rekrutmen dan teknologi, menghilangkan batas negara dan menghubungkan mitra kami dalam rekrutmen dan teknologi ke jaringan kandidat berkualitas di seluruh dunia.
23 Sep 2019
31 Okt 2019
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 1 000 000.00 USD
Topi 1 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 20 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 CAND
    0.0333 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
1,000,000,000 CAND
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
United Kingdom
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
iya nih

Tentang Canlead

Tentang Canlead

Agen konsultasi, perekrutan, pemasaran, dan perjalanan adalah entitas perantara atau broker. Entitas perantara ini memiliki pengetahuan yang diandalkan bisnis lain untuk menyelesaikan transaksi bisnisnya.

Penyedia Pemrosesan Pembayaran membutuhkan bakat teknis untuk mengembangkan sistem eCom mereka. Mereka menggunakan agen Perekrutan Pekerjaan untuk menemukan dan memasok bakat ini kepada mereka. Restoran lokal menggunakan penyedia Pemrosesan Pembayaran untuk memproses pembayaran.

Saat ini, sebagian besar entitas bisnis bertindak dalam beberapa kapasitas seperti entitas perantara dari perspektif ekosistem.

Akibatnya, Canlead telah mengembangkan model Sharing Economy 2.0 untuk mengganggu dan mengubah bisnis perantara atau broker tradisional.


Canlead is the first AI and blockchain-based opportunity sharing platform where everyone is a headhunter or private recruiter:

Post or Search Job Adverts and Business Opportunities

View User Ratings, Verify Skills and Performance

Refer Friends and Get Paid in Fiat or Cryptocurrency

The business model and tokenomics design has three features:

Deflationary Model: this is an innovative Deflationary Model that improves the quality of the CAND token, project and ecosystem.

Price Support Wall: the Price Support Wall will give rock-solid confidence to the project contributors that their stake will not drop drastically.

Defence Pool: the Defence Pool is a countermeasure that supports the CAND token during a market dump or volatility - a buyback option can be exercised to stabilise the CAND token price and improve the project financial position.

Info Teknis

Token Usage

At the centre of the Canlead ecosystem is a set of advanced Smart Contracts hosted on the Ethereum blockchain - it’s open source. The approach to Tokenise Opportunities is based on the Canlead Fee Staking System Smart Contract (FairOp). It’s similar to the blockchain voting system, where users spend the Opportunity Stake Token to advertise their job opportunities and the Referral Stake Token to refer candidates to these job opportunities and earn money.

The smart contract design has three components:

FairOp (Fair Opportunity)

When the Customer lists the job opportunity with the success fee and the opportunity staking fee onto the opportunity board, the Sharing Service passes the staking fee in Canlead Token to the FairOp Smart Contract to open a contract. The staking fee confirms the commitment of the opportunity provided by the Customer and provides liquidity to the Canlead ecosystem.

There is also a cancellation fee to deter bad actors. FairOp Smart Contract can be called by third-party services via the Canlead API.

FairOpMgr (FairOp Manager)

The Smart Contract Manager receives the user wallet addresses from the User Wallet Registry and passes them to the Smart Contract if they are verified successfully. Any unregistered or unrecognised wallet addresses that are trying to access the Smart Contract will be rejected.

FairOpReg (FairOp Registry)

The User Wallet Registry stores the user wallet addresses and passes them to the FairOpMgr for verification.

% name% Roadmap

  • Mar 2018 : Project commencement

  • Canlead ICO business case approved
  • Mar - Sep 2018 : MVP

  • MVP development and product-market fit test
  • Sep - Dec 2018 : Partnership

  • Business development and partnership
  • Oct - Jan 2019 : ICO

  • ICO preparation, planning, and team creation
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Feb - Jul 2019 : Transition from ICO to IEO

  • Website, white paper, airdrop, and bounty
  • Aug - Dec 2019 : IEO

  • IEO token sale, airdrop, bounty, and community management
  • Jan - Mar 2020 : TestNet

  • IEO token sale and development & operations capability ready. Launch on TestNet
  • Apr - Jun 2020 : MainNet

  • Launch on MainNet. Sale & marketing capability ready
  • Jul - Sep 2020 : Onboard 50k users

  • GOAL: onboard 50k users and 20 partners/ customers
  • Oct - Mar 2021 : Onboard 200k users

  • GOAL: onboard 200k users and 50 partners/ customers

Canlead Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Michael Quan
CEO & Founder
Nito Martinez
Siri Narasimham
Business Director
Oussama Benjelloun
Project Manager and Marketer
Daniil Kornilov
Community and Social Media Manager
Davorin Bebek
Community and Social Media Manager
Abu Nurullah Communi...
Social Media Manager


Diverifikasi 100%

Irina Spekman
ICO Advisory Board. Business and Funding Strategy.
Asher Looi
ICO Advisory Board. Project Management.
Peter Gold
ICO Advisory Board. HR Technology Industry Advisor...
Joseph Lee
ICO Advisory Board. Technology and Tokenomics Advi...
Michael Creadon
ICO Advisory Board. Marketing and Fundraising Advi...

Canlead Wawancara

Michael Quan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Founder and CEO - to deliver a service, site, app and platform to help you connect people to opportunities, and make money.
What do you think about idea?
Canlead is a London-based business that operates the world's first AI driven job and business service opportunity-sharing platform powered by the Blockchain which is accessible via our websites and mobile apps. Users can use the platform/ app to refer people to job or business service opportunities, and make money.
Asher Looi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Assisted Canlead founder from the very day one. Leading the Ceo from traditional to the crypto world
What do you think about idea?
Functional, practical and here to stay.
Canlead is one of its kind, but what's more important is the team that don't give up.
Nito Martinez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My main role in Canlead is the technical guidance and architecture for the platform from the MVP to the end platform to make it highly scalable and adaptable by choosing the right technology stack.
What do you think about idea?
I think it will provide an online referral scheme which is a common practice in oir everyday habits. Usually we trust referrals from people we know.

Canlead expands this model to an online scheme and adding a way to monetize the extra value of the referral.
Oussama Benjelloun
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Operating strategic and operational marketing campaigns across different channels while managing the token sale part -
What do you think about idea?
We chose to work with because we consider it as being a future pioneer in the recruitment space. Canlead is building the first decentralized job and opportunity sharing platform and is solving common problems that Indeed are LinkedIn are unable to solve.
Davorin Bebek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am doing social media management, content creation and community management for the Canlead project.
What do you think about idea?
Idea is amazing and I am sure that team will succeed in organizing this platform to become very successful.
Joseph Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Tokenomic Advisor. I consult and design the overall token life-cycle and value-chain for the Canlead project.
What do you think about idea?
Ideas are great. I have no idea what the question is about. Generally I like ideas and we all need ideas.

Canlead Berita terakhir

5.0 18
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