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29 Apr 2018

Bottr adalah platform chatbot dengan bot cryptocurrency asli yang membuat hidup lebih mudah dan memberi Anda imbalan untuk melakukan apa yang Anda sukai.

Di media sosial, banyak jam dihabiskan setiap hari untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas sementara perusahaan memonetisasi waktu, aktivitas, dan perhatian kita.

Aplikasi dan antarmuka yang tidak hanya meningkatkan kebisingan / kompleksitas untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu tetapi juga membatasi transparansi, penciptaan kekayaan, dan distribusi kekuatan di antara para peserta jaringan sehingga memperkuat kesenjangan sosial dan menjaga kedaulatan diri di luar jangkauan kami.

Bottr adalah sistem operasi sosial-ekonomi pintar generasi berikutnya. Bot obrolan pribadi tidak hanya menghubungkan Anda dengan siapa pun dan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola hal-hal yang penting - dari satu tempat - tetapi juga memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan waktu dan kontribusi sosial yang berharga melalui Botcoin, metode ramah pembayaran mikro asli.

Selamat datang di masa depan kerja!
4 Apr 2018
30 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 6 000 000.00 USD
Topi 7 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 6 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BOT
    0.1 USD
detil tambahan
New one - Botchain

Tentang Bottr

Bottr bertujuan untuk menjadi jaringan sosial dan ekonomi berbasis blockchain dan AI, didukung oleh bot obrolan pribadi dan pesan pintar, yang merampingkan proses dan memberikan penghargaan kepada pengguna untuk partisipasi. Dengan Bottr, pengguna akan memiliki bot obrolan pribadi mereka sendiri (yang dapat belajar dari percakapan dan tanggapan mereka), dapat diakses dari mana saja melalui tautan yang dipersonalisasi, dan akan dapat menghasilkan botcoin untuk kegiatan dan kontribusi sosial. Platform Bottrs pada dasarnya dibangun di atas empat pilar mendasar: (1) identitas bertenaga AI pribadi untuk koneksi dan komunikasi (chat bot), (2) mata uang kripto untuk memberikan nilai pada output dan bertindak sebagai media pertukaran (Botcoin), (3 ) ukuran reputasi sosial untuk kepercayaan dan tata kelola (Botscore), dan (4) lapisan infrastruktur berbasis blockchain yang transparan dan aman (Botchain).
Pesaing: Fortknoxster, blockcom, Protokol Merkuri, Ironclad, Siaran, NXT Pesan
Keunikan / Keuntungan kompetisi: Beberapa; Terutama kombinasi dari empat sistem pilar untuk memberikan nilai kepada pengguna platform.

% name% Roadmap

  • Covered extensively in paper

Bottr Tim

Diverifikasi 60%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Abhimanyu Godara
Founder & CEO
Aghilan Paramasivam
CTO and blockchain lead
Girish Nalawade
User experience, design and frontend engineering l...
Abhishek Gupta
Entrepreneur, Angel Investor
tidak diverifikasi
Ravi Srivastava
Professional Trader, Genetic Algorithmist
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Rajan Anandan
Google Asia MD, Angel investor, Co-founder Blue Oc...
tidak diverifikasi

Bottr Wawancara

Abhimanyu Godara
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the founder/CEO of Bottr.
Aghilan Paramasivam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Bottr is a smart messaging platform that makes life simple and rewards you for doing what you love. It not only helps you connect with anyone and manage things from one place but also lets you earn for your contributions.

Botcoin is the crypto-currency introduced by Bottr, to enable micro transactions in a seamless manner, and allows everyone to earn even for micro-contents.

I'm leading the development of platform and crypto-currency (Botcoin) of Bottr.
Girish Nalawade
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Lead user experience, design and frontend engineering.
5.0 12
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan
ICO review website

Competition on chatbots market is huge. More than 10,000 businesses are already using or working on their own bots, and by 2020 80% businesses hope to have chatbots for interacting with customers. Nowadays media companies and marketers are still investing more time and resources into social networks like Facebook and Twitter than they are into messaging services. That will change as messaging companies build out their services and provide more avenues for connecting brands, publishers, and advertisers with users.

The MVP of the product is already developed, everyone could easily download an app or visit web-version of the product. With, users can build an interactive personal bot that can hold conversations on all social channels on their behalf. The bot can act as their personal page, FAQ assistant, customer service agent, rich microblog, interactive resume and more. These bots can be used by influencers, bloggers, creators, freelancers, startups etc. to present themselves online. The project works for more than a year and have not only built a great product which people already love but also organically grown the network to ~15k+ bots, ~40k+ monthly sessions, processed ~5m+ messages and carried out ~$150k worth of potential economic activity with ~30m+ Botcoins already in circulation. There are few competitors: Fortknoxster, blockcom, Mercury Protocol, Ironclad, Broadcast, NXT Messaging.

The project is built on the very strong and well-designed ecosystem. Bottr's platform is essentially built on four fundamental pillars:

1) A personal AI powered identity for connection and communication (chat bot)

2) A cryptocurrency to put a value on output and act as a medium of exchange (Botcoin)

3) A social reputation measure for trust and governance (Botscore)

4) A transparent and secure blockchain based infrastructure layer (Botchain).

As a result, it would substantially raise a usage of the platform and the engagement of users. Also, this model includes one of the most important feature nowadays' reputation. Otherwise, it would be impossible to distinct valuable information from white noise. Also, cryptocurrency would ease the user experience of value transfer. The whole model of the ecosystem is very well designed and explained in the whitepaper. It is clear, how intrinsic value of tokens will raise and why users will use this coins at the platform.

The most challenging task for chatbots platform is monetization. Nowadays, platforms such as Bottr has only one crucial parameter growth rates. As a result, it has to be supported by huge long-term investments. However, market leader could became new Facebook. As a result, Bottr has great perspectives for its investors, despite being on the very beginning of its way. It means, that investors have to estimate the potential of further growth of the company, rather than just potential profit of the project. Project has already passed Seed round of VC investments in Jul-2017. According to crunchbase, it has raised $300K. This round was financed by 500 Startups, Purvi Capital and well-known angel investors - Abhishek Gupta (TLabs) and Rajan Anandan (Vice President & Managing Director of Google). Several analogs also raised seed funding in 2017:,,, All-in-all, we truly believe in huge potential for early investors of Bottr.

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