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8 Sep 2018

BlokBiz adalah portal cloud foundation yang aman dan terpantau. Ini adalah perantara yang menggabungkan teknologi rantai blok dengan metode kepatuhan paling aman yang digunakan oleh bank komersial besar. BlokBiz memecahkan masalah ICO saat ini dan investasi kriptografi. Kami akan menyaring kegiatan kriminal keuangan seperti penipuan ICO, pencucian uang, terorisme, keuangan pasar gelap. Kami mendedikasikan manajer proyek untuk semua proyek ICO. Oleh karena itu, secara langsung dipantau dan dipandu oleh tim.
Pre Sale
Sep, 2018
Okt, 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
1.4 K
Tujuan 650 000.00 USD
  • 1 XBZ
    0.076 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
7.5% Angels & Advisors, Airdrop bonus
7.5% BlokBiz Team
6.5% Pre-Sale
35% Soft cap
43.5% Hard cap + can be bought on the BlokBiz portal anytime for reducing transaction fees.
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Nama Perusahaan Terdaftar
Blokbiz Magyarország Kft
Negara Terdaftar
Perusahaan Didirikan
Jun 26, 2018
Struktur Bonus
Pre-sale bonus: 1.72x
Main token sale bonus: 1,23x
Airdrop after pre-sale
detil tambahan

Tentang BlokBiz

BlokBiz & nbsp; adalah platform crowdfunding dalam segmen cryptocurrency. Tujuan kami adalah untuk membangun platform di mana semua ICO yang terdaftar diperiksa secara menyeluruh oleh Tim kami menggunakan metode kepatuhan dan Anti Pencucian Uang yang disetujui secara global. Hanya perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut yang dapat muncul di platform kami yang sepenuhnya meneruskan prosedur yang disebutkan di atas. Investor dapat menelusuri platfrom kami untuk investasi ICO mengetahui bahwa setiap perusahaan dengan hati-hati diperiksa dan diberi peringkat.

Kami juga mengirimkan jumlah yang didanai ke perusahaan dengan mencicil berdasarkan rencana anggaran mereka dan kemajuan dalam proyek . Jika proyek tidak dilanjutkan, jumlah yang didanai akan dikirim kembali ke investor. Alat kami untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah layanan pelanggan 24/7, profesionalisme, kebijakan ketat, sikap membantu dan manajer proyek yang berdedikasi untuk ICO yang terdaftar untuk memaksimalkan pengawasan dan produktivitas.

Kami mengeluarkan token kami sendiri (XBZ) untuk beberapa alasan. Meskipun itu membantu kami membiayai sebagian besar proyek, itu juga akan membantu investor kami meminimalkan biaya selama berinvestasi dan membiarkan mereka mendapat manfaat dari operasi kami di masa depan. Tujuan kami adalah membuat pasar ICO jauh lebih aman dan transparan. Kami akan menciptakan platform yang benar-benar user-friendly untuk Investor dan bagi perusahaan yang terdaftar untuk mengurangi biaya dan energi yang dihabiskan selama periode penggalangan dana mereka. Visi kami adalah menciptakan bundel layanan dengan nama BlokBiz yang mewakili kepercayaan, dan keamanan. Sekelompok platform yang menciptakan dan memelihara hub kuat di pasar ICO.


Metode kami untuk membuat investasi ICO lebih aman.

Pemeriksaan kepatuhan

Tim kami menuntut beberapa perusahaan resmi dan dokumen due dilligence. Setiap pemilik diperiksa dalam perangkat lunak standar & nbsp; AML di seluruh dunia.

Kami akan membuat kontrak dan token cerdas untuk perusahaan

masalah BlokBiz dan mengelola perusahaan yang didanai & rsquo; token stock. Dengan cara itu kami mencegah buatan & lsquo; Pump & amp; Dump & rsquo; skema yang dibuat oleh perusahaan.

Pemilihan proyek

Berhasil melewati pemeriksaan kepatuhan tidak menentukan kelayakan proyek. BlokBiz mewawancarai anggota tim perusahaan dan menilai profesionalisme dan kelayakan proyek mereka.

Bayar & nbsp; keluar di intallment

Perusahaan harus mengirimkan rencana arus kas, dan peta jalan. Pakar kepatuhan kami meninjau rencana tersebut, menyetujui jumlah Ethereum yang diperlukan untuk proyek tersebut, dan akan mengirimkan ke perusahaan dengan mencicil tergantung pada kemajuan dalam & nbsp; proyek.

Manajer proyek khusus

Jika perusahaan lulus wawancara, seorang manajer proyek yang berdedikasi akan ditugaskan untuk proyek tersebut. Manajer proyek akan terus berhubungan dekat dengan anggota perusahaan dan akan memberi tahu para investor tentang kemajuan proyek.

Pengembalian Dana

Jika perusahaan telah mengumpulkan jumlah target pada batas waktu tetapi tidak menunjukkan kemajuan, investor tidak akan kehilangan semua koin Ethereum yang diinvestasikan.

& nbsp;

Info Teknis

Tujuan menerbitkan dan menawarkan token kami sendiri kepada investor terdiri dari dua bagian.

  1. Ini mempercepat prosedur pengembangan proyek, sehingga bisa memulai operasinya lebih awal. Namun, peluncuran platform tidak tergantung pada keberhasilan penjualan token. Penggalangan modal dari penjualan token dimaksudkan untuk menjadi akselerator. Itu sebabnya token XBZ dapat dikembalikan selama periode penjualan.

  2. Memiliki token XBZ akan mengurangi biaya transaksi pemilik token pada platform BlokBiz. Investor memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan token ini dengan harga yang sangat masuk akal selama pra-penjualan dan periode soft cap, tetapi token akan tersedia selama pengoperasian BlokBiz Platform dengan harga lebih tinggi.

Pembelian kembali koin ETH yang diinvestasikan

Semua pembelian token XBZ dapat dikembalikan dalam kondisi berikut:

& nbsp; - Dari awal, hingga hari terakhir setiap periode penjualan, token XBZ yang dibeli dapat dikembalikan dengan rasio 0,95x dari harga XBZ (harga tanpa bonus apa pun).

& nbsp; - Jika ada periode penjualan yang tidak mencapai tujuannya, para investor memiliki waktu 30 hari untuk mendapatkan kembali koin ETH yang diinvestasikan pada rasio 0, 95x dari harga XBZ (harga tanpa bonus). Jika investor tidak mendapatkan kembali koin ETH yang diinvestasikan dalam periode yang disebutkan di atas, BlokBiz akan menyimpan dan menginvestasikan jumlah itu untuk mengembangkan platform mereka.

- Token XBZ akan dapat dikembalikan atau dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi biaya transaksi dalam platform kapan saja ketika platform secara resmi dimulai.

& nbsp; Mengembalikan koin ETH yang diinvestasikan dapat dilakukan dengan mengirim kembali token XBZ ke alamat deposit BlokBiz dan ketika kriteria yang disebutkan di atas terpenuhi.

% name% Roadmap

  • November 2017 - Idea of BlokBiz

  • We've experienced many good sounding projects that turned out to be a scam or it was not intended to be scam but still could not manage to start. We wanted to provide an all-in-one solution for the market. That's how the idea of BlokBiz is came to our mind.
  • December 2017 - First steps

  • We did our research, asked around and started to lay down the principles of BlokBiz Group. We've checked the legal requirements of our future activity and hired our first developers.
  • February 2018 - First partner for providing external compliance services

  • We've found our first partner having 20 years of experience in compliance, customer service and IT support. Our solutions will apply the same kind of compliance check as banks and other regulated institutions are required to do.
  • June 2018 - First investors in BlokBiz

  • We've found our first investors.
    From this point the realization of the project is not a question anymore.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 10th of September - 10th of October 2018 - XBZ Pre Sale period

  • 1.72x bonus. You can reclaim your invested ETH anytime during the sale.
  • 15th of October 2018 - 1st of January 2019 - Main token sale

  • 1.23x bonus. You can reclaim your invested ETH anytime during the sale.
  • 2019 Q1

  • BlokBiz portal is going live and fully operational.
  • 2019 Q1/Q2

  • We will release our other portal as well such as Company Marketplace, Crowdfunding page for creators and artists.
  • 2020 Q2 - Future projects

  • - Exchange site within BlokBiz
    - Mobile application
    - Trading bot within BlokBiz Exchange

BlokBiz Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Norbert Csontos
Ferenc Mrlyák
Luigi Ferramenti
Balázs Simó
Gergely Kucsera
Software Developer


Diverifikasi 100%

Bálint Takács
Vilmos Hujber

BlokBiz Wawancara

Norbert Csontos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I was and I am still in different business areas from e-commerce to service providing companies. My main skill is to create something powerful from zero, find special people who have good skills in different fields and unite them as a professional team. At BlokBiz I did the same, and will continue it with my best knowledge. Our goal is to be the top crowdfunding platform within the cryptocurrency segment. These days I am attracting more and more professionals to the company and managing the current relationships and the daily workflow. The inspiration behind BlokBiz is that every team member is a problem solver and want to provide a viable solution to the ICO market. We believe that new technologies, Blockchain and Smart Contract based solutions combined with traditional and well-proven compliance methods can be a game-changer in this growing popularity segment. So we are doing our best at BlokBiz to unite these factors and serve our clients with the best possible operation.
Ferenc Mrlyák
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I graduated at Budapest Business School. Finance and Accounting.
From 2014 until 2018 I was the CFO of Inno-Rising Ltd.
From 2018 I am the Managing Director of Droneverts Ltd. and Chief Financial Officer of Gold Lion Media Ltd.
Since 2017 I am dealing with ICO investments, the risk of which is the highest in current market opportunities. My aim is to provide adequate protection to all ICO investors so that they can support the realization of reliable and value-creating projects with their investment.
Luigi Ferramenti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It is a decisive factor to see the whole picture as a CBO. My career has helped me to get the best out of myself in my present job. Being a material arts instructor has teached me what means stamina, patience and self-discipline. These are key definitions in my success, and was useful in the catering and the building industry also. At my ongoing project, Blokbiz I manage the company’s relationships and growth function. I also reliable for the work of the team members. My goal is to attract great people to the company and keep them motivated until we reach our goals.
Balázs Simó
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Balázs Simó, working as the CTO of BlokBiz.
My role in the project is to find modern and best fitting solutions that can be integrated into BlokBiz to make it more safe and modern. I believe a project and it's creators have to show a dynamic progress and open minded thinking to achieve an outstanding and long lasting solution.
My responsibility is to make the decisions on the technical side of the project.
My goal is to make an era where projects can be funded easily and safe from both sides.
I see a future where people who have great ideas can be connected safely to investors who are searching for modern solutions. I think this can be achieved by using smart contracts.
Gergely Kucsera
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I graduated at Óbuda University as programming engineer. In the last 2 years I've been working on different kinds of web applications (eg. a cardiological decision support system and a queue management system). I'm experienced in modern technologies like .Net Core, Angular and React frameworks, and beside that, as a hobby project I take a lead part in the development of a pc game using Unity Engine. My aim is to keep up with a the latest technologies and modern architectures to be able to design and create professional systems.
Bálint Takács
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Bálint Takács and I am working at BlokBiz as an advisor. I have got extended trading experience in connection with trading CFD's and naturally cryptocurrencies. Definitely I had also both ups and downs and I realized that it requires a long research to find an appropriate ICO, because most of them are unsuccessful or scam. That is first the reason for why many investors became extremely cautious with this market.
My vision is to change this kind of attitude and establish a strictly controlled ICO listing website where the customers can easily invest in reliable and transparent project. Honestly, this segment is particularly unsafe, therefore we created the project of BlokBiz.
My commitment is to give advices in appearance, technical data, bounties and many other component to become a successful ICO. I am also responsible for social media marketing and deal with relationship building.
I am sure that all the projects appear on our platform will be strictly inspected and reliable and I know that our team consists of many talented members who can motivate each other. Together we are able to make a market-leader platform.
Vilmos Hujber
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi there,

I am Vilmos Hujber and I am working in the project of BlokBiz. My role is to establish a professional compliance and project management service within BlokBiz. As I've earn many experiences in this field from my previous job - where we served banks and payment instituitons with compliance service, customer service, IT solutions, etc. - I am sure that the same principle and supervision would bring an enormous benefit to the ICO funding segment. My goal is to make the ICO market more safe and reliable.

BlokBiz Berita terakhir

  • Karena mungkin ada perbedaan waktu dalam pembaruan informasi, informasi akurat tentang setiap proyek ICO harus diverifikasi melalui situs resminya atau saluran komunikasi lainnya.
  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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