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Beenode financial model.

Profitability for miners, return on assets for investors and profitability for ordinary users even with small investments due to the high rate of growth of the coin value.
  • Pasar
    Volume 24H
    24 jam (harga)
    24 jam (volume)
  • Catex
    BNODE/BTC satu tahun lalu
    $ 0.0507
    $ 53.62
  • Catex
    BNODE/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0382
    $ 0.9540
  • Livecoin
    BNODE/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.2571
    $ 3.675 K
  • Livecoin
    BNODE/USDT % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 11.04
    $ 3.129 K
  • Livecoin
    BNODE/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.2428
    $ 2.18
To be announced
detil tambahan

Tentang BeeNode

Goal setting

BeeNode is not just a coin that wants to compete with fiat money or bitcoin for a start, we strive for another: to create and develop our own ecosystem with the widest functionality: from investment to the trading platform and payment processing. We don't want to displace fiat money, we just want to be useful

The wallet is available for macOS, Windows and Linux and has a mining function in addition to standard features. However, the power of the largest pool in our network has reached 5 gigahesh already and it is difficult for atomic manners to receive a reward regularly in their wallet — so it is better to join the pool.

The BeeNode project is unique in its approach to coin positioning in the market. the value of beenode is not purely speculative, but natural — cryptocurrency will be used by people, which will be the main incentive to increase the price for the coin on the exchanges. This will ensure investor returns and favorable mining miners using non-asic equipment, and farm cards.

The BeeNode team consists of managers, financiers, programmers and other professionals who have achieved unrivaled heights in their professional fields. Each link of the team is an expert of international level, who is able to make the right decisions, leading the whole project to success.
It is a clear distribution of responsibilities that many projects lack, which is why they are stalled and do not take important steps forward. BeeNode excludes situations when any decision is postponed or not made due to the fact that the responsibilities are not distributed. We are absolutely sure that this approach is the only correct one in the dynamically developing market, which requires the project to make informed decisions at lightning speed.
The project BeeNode, as well as the entire ecosystem of coins, performs an important mission for the global community, developing and promoting cryptocurrencies, therefore, the emphasis in our work we do on the product and not on their personalities. Our successes and the tremendous work done speak for us.

BeeNode Berita terakhir

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