AligatoCoin (ALC)

AligatoCoin (ALC)

Created using Figma

Pembaharuan Terakhir

16 Jul 2018

Dasar dari platform ICO Aligato 2.0 di atas rantai blok menjamin keamanan, stabilitas, dan transparansi di tingkat yang tidak dapat dicapai dengan solusi yang tersedia sebelumnya. Sistem pembayaran via Mata, yang bekerja melalui smartphone atau kamera umum komputer, meningkatkan keamanan pembeli. Kecerdasan buatan mempromosikan belanja dan memfasilitasi pencarian item dan interaksi platform. Drone pengiriman otonom mengotomatiskan tahap akhir pengiriman produk kepada pelanggan, seluruh sistem didasarkan pada infrastruktur yang ada. Karena itu, pengenalannya tidak bersifat jangka panjang.
29 Jul 2018
30 Nov 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
20 Apr 2018
29 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
70% - Investors
15% - The Building
7% - Advisors
5% - Reserve
3% - Bounty
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Nama Perusahaan Terdaftar
Negara Terdaftar
United Kingdom
Struktur Bonus
ICO Pre-Sale 1: 0,24$
ICO Pre-Sale 2: 0,30$
ICO Pre-Sale 3: 0,36$
ICO Pre-Sale 4: 0,40$
ICO: 0,50$
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
iya nih
Negara yang Dibatasi

Tentang AligatoCoin (ALC)

Visi kami adalah membuat hidup lebih mudah bagi orang-orang dengan memberi mereka solusi unik dan perintis yang dimungkinkan oleh pencapaian teknologi terkini, sambil mempertahankan metode universal dan terbukti di mana mereka berfungsi tanpa masalah.

Info Teknis

Teknologi Blockchain:

Teknologi Blockchain memiliki peluang untuk mengubah seluruh ekonomi pasar ecommerce
, tetapi bekerja pada penerapan teknologi di industri ini baru saja dimulai. Registrasi blok
bersama dengan kontrak cerdas memungkinkan tingkat keamanan, transparansi dan efisiensi tidak dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan solusi
yang ditawarkan sejauh ini. Selain itu, hanya memungkinkan satu kebenaran yang diterima secara universal ada. Ini berarti bahwa data transaksional yang disimpan adalah desentralisasi dan divalidasi hanya setelah konfirmasi oleh node jaringan yang terlibat. Dukungan seluruh database platform perdagangan
akan memastikan keamanan dan transparansi, serta kesederhanaan verifikasi informasi yang dipilih oleh semua pengguna platform
yang diberikan - dari pembeli, penjual dan pemasok, untuk orang yang mengawasi berfungsinya seluruh sistem penjualan.
Cryptocurrency juga memungkinkan pembayaran yang cepat dan aman dengan biaya minimum. Ini & nbsp; berarti penghematan untuk pembeli dan penjual. Kelompok terakhir
akan mendapat manfaat khususnya dari ini karena penjuallah yang menanggung biaya biaya untuk sistem pembayaran yang tersedia di situs web yang diberikan. Tentu saja, pembayaran dengan bantuan cryptocurrency, tanpa konversi mereka ke mata uang fiat, masih penuh dengan kerugian - harga sebagian besar dari mereka variabel jauh lebih besar daripada mata uang fiat, bagaimanapun, dengan stabilisasi pasar cryptocurrency , situasi ini pasti akan membaik.

Pengenalan Kecerdasan Buatan:

Seiring dengan munculnya bidang e-niaga, era baru pembelian barang dimulai. Kenyamanan, kecepatan pengiriman,
dan opsi pemilihan besar yang terkait dengan belanja online adalah terobosan yang hebat. Kemajuan teknologi & nbsp; yang berkembang memungkinkan kami untuk melangkah lebih jauh - untuk membuat dan mengintegrasikan kecerdasan buatan & nbsp; intelijen (AI) dengan platform perdagangan. Integrasi ini terjadi pada banyak tingkatan, mulai dari bot yang bertanggung jawab atas dukungan pelanggan, berakhir dengan perencanaan kampanye iklan hingga kelompok penerima yang ditentukan dengan tepat. Selain itu, kecerdasan buatan dalam e-commerce memungkinkan & nbsp; perusahaan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data secara waktu nyata sehingga memungkinkan pekerjaan yang lebih efisien & nbsp; dan personalisasi pengalaman pelanggan berdasarkan informasi tentangnya. Penjual & nbsp; juga dapat mengandalkan bantuan AI untuk manajemen inventaris atau katalogisasi produk. & Nbsp; Informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh sistem AI belajar mandiri akan secara signifikan meningkatkan & nbsp; akurasi informasi tentang permintaan produk dan layanan tertentu. Selain & nbsp; semakin lama AI belajar mandiri akan berfungsi pada platform yang diberikan, semakin & nbsp; data yang diproses akan menjadi akurat. & Nbsp; Kecerdasan buatan memungkinkan pengguna untuk meminimalkan waktu yang dikhususkan untuk menemukan item & nbsp; yang dicari dengan menyesuaikan algoritma pencarian, perampingan proses pengaduan atau & nbsp; dukungan teknis. Namun, pemilik portal e-niaga dapat menentukan dengan & nbsp; ketepatan yang lebih tinggi mana yang lebih mungkin dibeli oleh pelanggan dan cara menarik mereka.

Kesederhanaan layanan, terutama dari sudut pandang teknis, penting bagi kami, & oleh karena itu, kami merencanakan Aligato untuk menjadi platform yang sangat intuitif. Pengguna, mulai bekerja dengan platform kami, akan dipandu oleh sistem manajemen otomatis. Pada & nbsp; pada saat yang sama, sistem ini akan mengamati perilaku pengguna dan belajar untuk bekerja dengannya. & Nbsp; Sistem AI juga akan bertanggung jawab untuk mengotomatisasi sistem penjualan melalui & nbsp; saran yang dihasilkan berdasarkan interaksi pengguna sebelumnya dengannya. Bergantung pada & nbsp; preferensi Anda, prosesnya dapat dilakukan secara manual atau dengan bantuan AI.

Penyedia Drone Komersial:

Salah satu asumsi utama dari platform Aligato 2.0 yang berfungsi penuh adalah pembuatan sistem pengiriman menggunakan otone & nbsp; drone. Sistem ini untuk beroperasi di jalur B2C (bisnis-toconsumer) dan C2C (konsumen-ke-konsumen), mengirimkan & nbsp; pengiriman hingga seratus kilogram ke pintu & nbsp; pelanggan.
Sistem yang dibuat akan otonom dan bertabrakan. -gratis. & nbsp; Untuk memastikan kondisi yang optimal untuk kemungkinan terbangnya pesawat terbang, infrastruktur real estat yang ada akan digunakan. Setiap lokasi / titik relokasi yang dipilih & nbsp; akan memiliki 'stasiun transmisi' sendiri, yang akan diintegrasikan dengan
coinomat. & Nbsp; Selain itu, tautan & ldquo; Drone Link & rdquo; sistem akan memungkinkan Anda mengambil alih secara fisik & nbsp; pengiriman jika terjadi masalah teknis atau kegagalan drone.
Tantangan besar adalah membuat sistem untuk mengirim dan mengambil paket - pada saat & nbsp; saat ini, tidak ada. Tim kami sedang berupaya mendapatkan paten yang sesuai.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q2.2018

  • • Preparation of the AligatoCoin technical support
    • Pre-ICO start and preparation for ICO
    • Update of Aligato's purchase portfolio

    FIRST PHASE (Q2 2018)

    The first and at the same time one of the most important steps of our project is the preparation of the initial steps necessary for the implementation of
    technical facilities and the implementation of an efficient Pre-ICO and ICO process. Depending on the success of this stage, we will be able to work on the
    development of the platform without any financial hindrance, and hence develop the project successfully. In addition, we will also focus on adding new
    payment methods in the existing version of the purchasing portfolio.
  • Q3 2018

  • • AligatoWallet application work starts
    • Beginning of AligatoCoin exchange listing process

    SECOND PHASE (Q3 2018)
    implementation time: 2-3 months

    In this phase, work will begin on the AligatoWallet application, which will be built inside Aligato 2.0 and connected to the entire customer management
    panel. Its main functionalities will include, among others handling internal payments, settling funds from sales, as well as the ability to buy, sell or
    exchange AligatoCoin for other cryptocurrencies and FIAT currencies.
  • Q4 2018 - Q1 2019

  • • Aligato 2.0 development starts - preparation of full functionality and a new platform layout
    • The e-learning platform development begins

    (Q4 2018 - Q1 2019)
    implementation time: 6 months

    In the third phase of the project, we will start comprehensive programming and graphic work on Aligato 2.0. Expansion and preparation of full functionality will include support for digital currencies, implementation of payment and bonus systems based on ALC, work on API REST for Aligato 2.0, initial work on AI for the system, platform security tests, and the first programming sketches of the AligatoWallet alpha version, which will be made available to selected users. Our tasks for the given period also include the commencement of work on our free-of-charge e-learning platform.
  • Q3 2019

  • • Work on the installation and launch of the AligatoWallet beta version in the Aligato 2.0 framework begins;
    • Work on creating our own Blockchain starts;
    • AligatoCoin on selected Polish and foreign crypto exchanges.

    FOURTH PHASE (Q3.2019)
    implementation time: 6-9 months

    With the development of Aligato 2.0 and AligatoWallet, the beta version of AligatoWallet will be programmed for functional testing. After positive tests, it will be
    implemented into the system and wide promotion. Considering the amount of data that we currently process that will be processed as the popularity grows, creating our own Blockchain is the most reasonable solution. Therefore, the fourth phase will focus on its creation to a large extent. The scope of work will include, among other things, the choice of the base blockchain, API construction and integration with Aligato 2.0, as a result of which a test version based on at least 10 nodes will be launched.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Q2 - Q3 2019

  • The fifth phase will focus entirely on the work aimed at further technical improvements and implementation of the optimization and solutions suggested
    by our community, as well as global marketing activities on the widest possible use of AligatoCoin as a payment instrument.

    FIFTH PHASE (Q2-3 2019)
    implementation time: 6-10 months

    A well-functioning system is not enough for us. We want the target platform Aligato 2.0 to work without any problems, and its navigation to be intuitive and
    hassle-free. Therefore, the fifth phase will be fully devoted to the improvement of the existing version based on the suggestions of the community and our
    programmers and developers. An important part of the mentioned improvements will be further work on security - an audit of existing elements of
    the platform will be carried out for this purpose.
  • Q4 2019 - Q1 2020

  • • Patent protection works on technological innovation of the project
    • Launching a mirror version of Aligato 2.0 in national domains
    • Preparation of the next 4 language versions

    (Q4 2019 - Q1 2020)
    implementation time: 6-12 months

    The key element of the emerging platform Aligato 2.0 is an autonomous delivery system with the use of drones. So far, no company, has been successful
    in this field. There were both technological and legal obstacles - our ambitious plan is to overcome them, as a result of which Aligato 2.0 will be a pioneer in this field. In the sixth phase, we will focus on technological and patent protection work including the drone system. We will devote the remaining time to creating and running a mirror version of Aligato in the national domains.
  • Q4 2019 - Q1 2020

  • Pay Pay (PvE) proprietary payment system, starting with conceptual work and reviewing ready-made technological solutions, ending with providing the beta
    version of PvE to the Aligato community, preceded by the test version of alpha.

    (Q4 2019 - Q1 2020)
    implementation time: 12-24 months

    The Aligato 2.0 project is innovative in many respects - not only in the field of the method of delivering the purchased goods, but also the security of transactions carried out inside the website. To this end, we want to create and implement a PvE payment system in the platform, which is based on the verification of payments by means of iris scan.
  • Q1-Q2 2020

  • • Advanced technological development of an autonomous delivery system using
    • Construction and testing of the alpha version of the Bumblebee autonomous drone

    EIGHTH PHASE (Q1-2 2020)
    implementation time: 9-20 months

    At this stage, the Aligato 2.0 team will devote themselves to the creation of the first proprietary drones. This is not a simple process, especially since there is no similar system at this time. In order to implement the idea, system creation will start from the scratch, starting from the drive, the sensor system, and ending with the automation of drone or the use of renewable energy sources. Automation tests will be preceded by manual tests of the first bumblebees created by Aligato 2.0. In the later period, after positive manual control tests, the team's activities will focus on automating all processes related to drones.
  • Q2 - Q3 2020

  • • Further work on the drones delivery platform;
    • Tests and presentation of a functional Bumblebee Beehive;
    • Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.

    NINTH PHASE (Q2-3 2020)
    implementation time: up to 24 months

    Time for the first delivery tests using drone! In the ninth phase, work on drone automation will be advanced enough to start work on the storage, reloading and distribution system for shipments - of course, the process will be automated. The launch of the drone base, of Bumblebee Beehive will be preceded by work on automation, a cheap and renewable source of power, and an effective transportation container for the task. We do not want the project to be hindered by legal issues, as a result of which obtaining patents and all permits and safety certificates will be a priority task, running parallel to technological advances.
  • Q2 - Q3 2021

  • • Completion of works on the new headquarters of Aligato
    • Advanced work on creating your own renewable energy source to power drone

    TENTH PHASE (Q2-3 2021)
    implementation time: up to 36 months

    At this stage, most of the main project assumptions important for the full functionality of the platform will be implemented. This is not synonymous with ceasing the company's development activities. Assuming that the project will be positively received by the e-commerce environment around the world, the need for further development will remain. In order to meet all challenges, solid facilities will be needed - to this end, a new Aligato headquarters will be established, which will house a research and development center.

AligatoCoin (ALC) Materi

AligatoCoin (ALC) Tim

Diverifikasi 69%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Adrian Dymarczyk
CEO, Developer, Co-founder
Bartek Juraszek
CMO, Director, Co-founder
Vasili Simanau
Web developer, Graphic, Shareholder
Katarzyna Dymarczyk
Product Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Maciej Urbański
tidak diverifikasi
Michell Hoduń
Kacper Juraszek
Junior developer
Rafał Kiełbus
Blockchain Developer
Karol Stadnik
Product Manager & Promotion Specialist
Hubert Dolata
Marketing & Social Media Manager
Dan Sierański
Aligato.UK agent
tidak diverifikasi
Agnieszka Morfey
Specialist for Customer Service
Damian Cieślak
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 50%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Maciej Dutko
Auditor, Advisor, Shareholder
tidak diverifikasi
Marcin Szydłowski
ICO Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Damian Ciszek
ICO Advisor
Paweł Sobotkowski
ICO Advisor

AligatoCoin (ALC) Wawancara

Adrian Dymarczyk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Creative and highly motivated Director, with respect for co-workers and customers.
Experience in building successful company strategy, IT systems, web developer.
Specialties: Director in building company (industrial automation, air conditioner and electric system), Director in technology company(Web developer, system and server management) , high technology industrial products and solutions, sales of technical products and services B2B and B2C, business research.
Bartek Juraszek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We know, that the blockchain e-commerce, will be safest buy-sell method.
Vasili Simanau
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Promising project with interesting development plans!
Damian Ciszek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advising on business strategy, affiliation, community management, marketing strategy, brand development, networking, White Paper creation and English translation.
Paweł Sobotkowski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm helping AligatoCoin (ALC) to expand on the various markets, mostly European and Asian markets as well as advising in creating a team and in business development according to the ICO challenges. I think this is amazing and revolutionising project as a connection of Blockchain and E-commerce. Very unique in the worldwide scale. I really believe in ALC.
Michell Hoduń
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a Full Stack developer and I take an active part in its development.
Kacper Juraszek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a Junior Developer. Our project idea is great to revolutionize e-commerce on a global scale.
Rafał Kiełbus
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain developer, co-author of token contract.
Karol Stadnik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Aligato is the future of e-commerce that is why I am with them. Huge project based on Blockchain technology!
Hubert Dolata
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In AligatoCoin my main responsibilities include social media as well as marketing and, a part from those I gains new business partners and changes the overlook of the platform.
Agnieszka Morfey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a specialist in customer service. I care about the relationship with them, I pay attention to accurate information transfer. I make sure that every customer is treated individually and each of the investors feel that he can always count on our help.

The aligato project is based on blockchain which will enable us to quickly, smoothly and above all secure transactions, and in the future deliveries through aligato drones will enable fast delivery, so this will save us time and money.

AligatoCoin (ALC) Berita terakhir

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  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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