World Coin Network

World Coin Network

Created using Figma
World Coin Network aims to bring a stable Middle Eastern Crypto Currency to help facilitate trade and foster a culture of innovators and builders through a four pronged approach –

1) Digital Currency Stability
2) Regional Partner Coins
3) Sharia Lending Platform
4) Charity Community Enrichment

World Coin Network (WCN) will help leapfrog the 85% of the unbanked Middle East into a new digital era of wealth management, crypto currency and stable banking instruments.
Round B ICO
15 अप्रैल 2018
15 मई 2018
100% पूरा कर लिया है
उठाया गया धन - डेटा नहीं
लक्ष्य 2 000 000.00 USD
टोपी 20 000 000.00 USD
टोकन विवरण
संस्थान के विवरण
पंजीकृत देश
Saint Lucia
अतिरिक्त जानकारिया

के बारे में World Coin Network

The Middle East Financial Crises:

With over 85% of the 700 million people living in the Middle East are unbanked, with no access to credit, credit/bedt cards, or formal banking. This hinders economic progress and continues the cycle of poverty. We have taken a four pronged approach to help create the first Crypto Currency to tackle the problems faced by millions of people.

Empowering the Middle East, facilitating trade and job creation are our main goals.  World Coin Network, is a financial services business that will help banks integrate the World Coin Network tokens and infrastructure into current systems.  We will do this by partnering with money changers in the region and have them also sell WCN coins. We have partnered with over 30 exchanges in Pakistan, and branching out to other regional areas in the Middle East.



We believe from the overwhelming interest in World Coin Network and its goals in the Middle East, an increase of overall participation, liquidity, and volume will add value and additional revenue to our company.

We have taken a four pronged approach to help create the first Crypto Currency to tackle the problems faced by millions of people

Seamless Lending Platform will facilitate trade and foster a culture of Builders and Dreamers. Our Sharia compliant lending platform will loan 50,000 - 100,000 loans a year at 0% interest, and cultivate a community of WCN holders and users.

Micro loans from 100 to 1,000 WCN tokens will be handed out. These loans can change people’s lives and increase the quality of life for an entire family. As customers repay the loans we will also provide them and the business with credit rating scores, thus enabling them to participate in global commerce.

Regional partner coins will help spread digital currency across the Middle East and rapidly expand the reach of World Coin tokens.  Our plan is to fork and create partner coins, like Iraq Coin or Afghan Coin to also utilize the World Coin Network and adhere to regional financial laws.

Community Enrichment: Keeping with our ideals of creating a stable and prosperous Middle East, we will be allocating a portion of our profits for Zakat (charitable tradition). We will be donating 20% of our transaction fees to non-profit educational charities in the Middle East

तकनीकी जानकारी

Total Supply 100,000,000:   30% Crowdsale, 15% of the tokens will be Reserved and offered after the platform launches. They will be sold to local financial institutions, digital and physical currency exchanges, as well strategic corporate partnerships,  15% Lending Platform, 15% founders, advisers and team members, 20% Marketing, 5% Bounty

% नाम% रोडमैप

  • ICO and World Coin Network deployment

  • we will roll out World Coin Network after our ICO for initial coin usage and open market trading.
  • Develop a platform for National Exchanges

  • we will also immediately start development on our platform, featuring security minded coding and not relying on existing security infrastructures. (This is for exchanging tokens (AED <-> AEDT).
  • We will then start to deploy our local markets country-by-country.

  • The order of country deployment will be determined by initial demand and further market research etc. We will then create an exchange on top of the platform developed on step 2; this will be our own Middle East mini exchange for our token holders to use. Then we can develop partnerships with local banks to store fiat reserves. All the banks we work with will help us in our quarterly investor screened audits of cash reserves on hand… (If only everyone did this!) We will then link the cash with the documents referenced in blockchain correspondence to the actual real money transactions.
  • We will then begin working with Kyber

  • to create a unique (non-market exchange reliant) token exchange service for easy conversions between national tokens and World Coin Network
  • और पढो
  • • Developing a mobile app (parallel to 2, 3 and 4)

  • which will allow token holders to store national tokens and convert them to/from national currencies and to/from World Coin Network. This will allow people to send tokens and World Coin Network to friends
  • Working with Merchants

  • We then shift our focus on working with merchants to help them accept national tokens and World Coin Network for their services and goods. Creating a platform which they can easily integrate into their existing businesses

World Coin Network टीम

सत्यापित 0%

ध्यान। एक जोखिम है जो असत्यापित सदस्य वास्तव में टीम के सदस्य नहीं हैं

Daniel Ashe
Pavel Rubin
Alexander Misuno
Phillip Mccarty
Mohammed Maqbool


सत्यापित 0%

ध्यान। एक जोखिम है जो असत्यापित सदस्य वास्तव में टीम के सदस्य नहीं हैं

Mohammed Alhassan
Zubin Mowlavi

10 ICOs

$5 540 000

Bojan Josic
Josh Bigelow
Rob Rukstalis

World Coin Network अंतिम समाचार

  • क्योंकि सूचना अद्यतन में समय के अंतर हो सकते हैं, प्रत्येक ICO परियोजना के बारे में सटीक जानकारी इसकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट या अन्य संचार चैनलों के माध्यम से सत्यापित की जानी चाहिए।
  • यह जानकारी ICO फंडिंग में निवेश करने का सुझाव या सलाह नहीं है। कृपया संबंधित जानकारी की पूरी जांच करें और ICO भागीदारी पर निर्णय लें।
  • यदि आपको लगता है कि इस सामग्री पर सुधार किए जाने वाले मुद्दे या समस्याएं हैं, या यदि आप सूचीबद्ध होने के लिए अपनी खुद की ICO परियोजना सबमिट करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया हमें ईमेल करें । एक>
अस्वीकरण और जोखिम की चेतावनी पढ़ें। अस्वीकरण और जोखिम चेतावनी दिखाएं