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आखिरी अपडेट

12 सित॰ 2018

UHIVE। यह एक ऐसा मंच है जो सामाजिक नेटवर्किंग को बदल देता है और एक नए युग में ले जाता है जो एक अद्वितीय, प्राकृतिक और मनोरंजक अनुभव प्रदान करने के लिए मानव मनोविज्ञान के साथ तकनीकी क्षमताओं (आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और ब्लॉकचैन) को जोड़ता है। UHIVE प्लेटफ़ॉर्म, खोजों और अन्वेषणों के आधार पर दुनिया को एक शक्तिशाली और व्यापक डिजिटल सोशल नेटवर्क बनाने में मदद करता है जो UHIVE टोकन के मूल्य में लगातार वृद्धि करेगा।
29 अक्तू॰ 2018
11 फ़र॰ 2019
100% पूरा कर लिया है
$5 100 000
हार्ड कैप
51% टोपी पूरा कर लिया है
टोपी 10 000 000.00 USD
हार्ड कैप 54 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 HVE
    0.003 USD
Private Sale
15 जुल॰ 2018
15 अक्तू॰ 2018
100% पूरा कर लिया है
$3 000 000
100% टोपी पूरा कर लिया है
टोपी 3 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 HVE
    0.002 USD
टोकन विवरण
स्वीकृत मुद्राएँ
संस्थान के विवरण
पंजीकृत देश
United Kingdom
अतिरिक्त जानकारिया
मंच, आभासी वास्तविकता, मनोरंजन

के बारे में UHIVE

UHIVE is an innovative social network platform with physical dimension and cutting edge hybrid blockchain technology designed to appeal to all social network users. UHIVE combines Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology, along with a human touch, and offers users a unique, enjoyable and secure experience. It is the world’s first Mobile based social network with physical dimensions.

A platform designed from scratch to support Virtual Reality for VR enthusiasts.

As the first Social Network to incorporate physical dimensions, it offers users a completely new and innovative way to explore the social experience with their senses. UHIVE allows users to discover the journey for themselves, by walking thought infinite spaces, and visually identify what is worth exploring.

Physical dimensions give users' spaces in UHIVE a physical location in the network, and based on the user's engagement level, time spent on the app and some other factors, the user space will be more visible and attractive to other users, and this created a new marketing dimension, for example, if your space is near a famous space that has big traffic, most of the people visiting that space will see yours too, this will increase the value of your space location.

It also offers two unique experiences to all users, two worlds with different characteristics, “Civilized World” and the “Grey World”

The Civilized World and The Grey World. The Civilized World mirrors Earth, and is a cultivated network, governed by rules and regulations. Here, identities are real, and allow users to connect with family and friends, and meet new people.

The “Grey world”, a unique part of the social network which offers uncharted and uncontrolled space to users, where they can create their own spaces and be completely anonymous. A world that liberates the user experience and opens new chances for users to expand their imagination. This world is completely isolated and secured with a decentralized structure.

Users can have multiple profiles, one on the Civilized world and others on the Grey world. The Grey world is designed to bring freedom and to preserve users’ privacy to the maximum, and at the same time, it defines the thin line between people’s right to keep their activities and data private, and between making sure not to abuse the system and create illegal activities. With our innovative Hybrid Blockchain technology, users will have their identity, data, and activities totally secured and anonymous.

The HIVE Tokens, created to manage all means of digital trade in addition to rewarding all users based on their levels of engagement. HIVE Tokens signify the birth of a new digital era of economy, as they are fundamental in the transactional process for products, digital assets and services. Growth of the HIVE token value is relative to the the growth of the social network user base as the token is subsidized with an organic advertising revenue stream.


Concept: A new innovative platform with physical dimension, allowing users to explore spaces in a more intuitive way. Enables users to visually identify trendy topics, communities & businesses organically with their eye sight. UHIVE eliminate the rival’s traditional search & discovery methods through keywords and hashtags. The concept was derived by combining human psychology & users cognitive mapping along with block-chain technology.

Liberating User Experience: UHIVE Platform challenges the status quo by providing a dual world with unique experience. “Civilized World”, which is common to majority of subscribers with public profiles allowing users to connect with friends, families & businesses. “Grey World”, A unique part of the social network which offers uncharted & uncontrolled space to users, where they can create their own space &; become completely anonymous by identity & location; A world that liberates the users experience and opens new chances for users to go wild with their imagination. A world which is completely isolated and secured with a decentralized structure.

Which World is for you?

There are two distinctive ways in which UHIVE operates; The Civilized World and The Grey World. The Civilized World mirrors Earth, and is a cultivated network, governed by rules and regulations. Here, identities are real, and allow users to connect with family and friends, and meet new people. In the Civilized World, the network is exposed to and influenced by external factors such as politics, social
norms and global regulations.

The Grey World is obscure. UHIVE has successfully revived anonymity for users, and through a decentralized structure based on hybrid blockchain technology, users can be completely anonymous be it by identity or location. Here, there are no social norms, and users are liberated from external factors,
which are completely isolated from their identity. The Grey World is an exciting universe, which offers users the opportunity to be whoever they would like to be. Here, users are free to try new things and be
completely uninhibited by this untraceable space. 


Adds a new digital asset & marketing dimension to the digital advertising world (Value of Space): User’s spaces are assigned with physical locations within the UHIVE network. The users engagement level & time spent on the app along with other factors make the user space more visible and attractive to other users using visual representation. This creates a new marketing dimensions which creates value for high traffic & famous spaces; Adjacent spaces will be affected as well. Meaning, engagement levels give intrinsic value to spaces.

Reduces friction in audience growth for influencer marketing & Businesses: Spaces for influencers and businesses will be spotted organically by users through visual aids such as size, scale & colors. This generates a cost effective & organic audience growth for spaces eliminating the need to invest thoroughly in Paid Advertising.

तकनीकी जानकारी

VR Ready : सोशल नेटवर्किंग को अगले चरण में ले जाते हुए, UHIVE प्लेटफ़ॉर्म डिज़ाइन को वर्चुअल रियलिटी समुदाय पर ध्यान दिया गया, जैसा कि यह था वर्चुअल रियलिटी गियर का समर्थन करने के लिए स्क्रैच से डिज़ाइन किया गया।

हाइब्रिड ब्लॉकचेन मोड: UHIVE & nbsp; एक नया हाइब्रिड ब्लॉकचेन मोड पेश करता है, जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को पूरी तरह से गुमनाम रहने की अनुमति देता है, UHIVE टोकन का उपयोग करके एक छोटा सा शुल्क (सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को UHIVE टोकन मिलेगा) नेटवर्क)।
शुल्क ब्लॉकचैन सिस्टम के भीतर डेटा को संग्रहीत करने के नेटवर्क शुल्क को कवर करेगा, हाइब्रिड ब्लॉकचैन
मोड इस नेटवर्क के लिए अद्वितीय होगा और पूरी तरह से गुमनाम होगा।

इंटीग्रेटेड टेक्नोलॉजीज: & nbsp; अत्याधुनिक तकनीकों, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता और सपनों को हकीकत में बदलने के युग से प्रेरित है। हमारी
टीम & rsquo; उच्च अंत स्मार्ट सिस्टम के विकास में अनुभव के वर्षों के साथ और
के प्रति हमारी प्रतिबद्धता सकारात्मक उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्रभावित करती है, ने UHIVE प्रोजेक्ट को एक विश्वसनीय चुनौती बना दिया है।
UHIVE और rsquo; s तकनीकी क्षमताओं और व्यापक अनुभव में अन्य उत्पादों और प्लेटफार्मों के
विकास में प्राप्त विशाल तकनीकी ज्ञान शामिल है
/ AWS अमेज़ॅन इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर
Eng AI इंजन
ओ ओपनफेस
ओ टेन्सफ़्लो < br /> o इन-हाउस एआई इंजन प्रशिक्षण प्रौद्योगिकी
o सेंटीमेंट AI
o व्यवहार एआई
/ ब्लॉकचेन प्रौद्योगिकी और Ethereum नेटवर्क
-बिग-डेटा डेटाबेस / एलिटिक्स खोज >

& nbsp;

% नाम% रोडमैप

  • 2015

  • Started working on the Idea.
    Researching social networking and human Psychology.
  • 2016

  • Working on the Financial Ecosystem.
    Working on the Grey world concept and behaviour.
  • Q1 2017

  • Working on integrating Hybrid Blockchain in the Grey world.
    Adding Cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  • Q2 2017

  • Starting working on A.I. Technology and Preparing prototypes.
  • और पढो
  • Q4 2017

  • Start working on our UHIVE ICO Token Release.
  • Q2 2018

  • UHIVE ICO Launch.
  • Q3 2018

  • Expanding the Team and working on preparing a beta release for iOS and
    Android Apps.
  • Q4 2018

  • Releasing Beta version to the world.
    Release UHIVE Tokens into Cryptocurrency Exchange markets.
  • Q1 2019

  • Release the Final App globally
  • Q2 2019

  • Release the App in 8 Different languages.
    Release new updates and features.
    Start working on our ADs (Advertisments) Platform.
  • Q3 2019

  • Enter China with Partnerships with China biggest Cloud Providers and ISPs (A
    New World for China).
    Release new Updates and Features.
  • Q4 2019

  • Release the App for another 10 Languages.
    Release our Advertisement Platform Version 1.0.
  • Q2 2020

  • Release XBOX and PS4 editions, where people can explore the social network.
    Platform Updates.
  • Q4 2020

  • Connect it with Smart TVs and many new IoT Devices.
    Platform Updates.


सत्यापित 64%

ध्यान। एक जोखिम है जो असत्यापित सदस्य वास्तव में टीम के सदस्य नहीं हैं

Noor Daoud
Hamzeh Tabbaa
Firas Saba
Muayyad Shehadeh
Founder/ CEO
Zack Thompson
Partners Manager
Zaid Amir
Head Of Development, BlockChain Specialist
Adam Bushnaq
Global Business Development
Ariel Green
Channel Officer
Robin Scott
Technical Support Manager
Nour Qasas
HR Manager


सत्यापित 83%

ध्यान। एक जोखिम है जो असत्यापित सदस्य वास्तव में टीम के सदस्य नहीं हैं

Robert Stoeppel

10 ICOs

$26 799 547

Daniil Morozov
Douglas Lyons

11 ICOs

$17 441 988

Jillian Godsil
Anwar Daoud
Gerald Hahn
Advisor - Germany


Mark Peacock
Business Development

UHIVE साक्षात्कार

Muayyad Shehadeh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Over 25 years of experience, CEO of Genie9, Zoolz Intelligent and UHIVE
A long and broad experience in machine learning algorithms and A.I. systems. Created Zoolz Intelligent cloud which was the first cloud solution to utilize cold and hot storage, and integrate A.I, Zoolz Cloud was presented by Amazon AWS CEO as one of the leaders in this field.
Daniil Morozov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the Project Advisor
Douglas Lyons
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jillian Godsil
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Disrupting social media is finally here - with an emphasis on personal integrity and choice. Uhive is a slick player in this field with some unique aspects including the integration of online and offline with VR offerings.

My bio - international PR, journalism and speaking. And dreaming - did I mention dreaming...
Anwar Daoud
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an Advisor to UHIVE I continue to seek opportunities through interested potential investors for the project, believing that UHIVE is with no doubt the future of Advertising, Virtual property space and un limitation of social and business opportunities.
Gerald Hahn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advising for growth in the German speaking region (DACH) and supporting UHIVE with institutional investors
Mark Peacock
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Zack Thompson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Zaid Amir
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head Of Development, BlockChain Specialist
Adam Bushnaq
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Managing strategic alliances and global business development
Ariel Green
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
B2B Channel Manager
Robin Scott
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Nour Qasas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
HR Manager

UHIVE अंतिम समाचार

5.0 8
ICO प्रोफाइल विजन गतिविधि क्षमता उत्पाद टीम

% नाम% समीक्षा

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a platform that transforms the social networking   and taking into a new era that combines the technological capabilities (Artificial Intelligence and blockchain) with human psychology to deliver a unique, natural and entertaining experience.


  • Through the decentralized structure based on hybrid block chain technology the platform enables the users  to be completely anonymous whether by identity or location hence  protecting them from any attack
  • The platform UHIVE token which is divisible, portable, recognizable  and more so exchangeable with the others currencies  enables the users to undertake easy trading for the products and services within both the worlds
  • The platform through thee innovative physical dimension creates a  new user experience as they are able to travel around the world on their own and explore spaces , see and discover things for themselves  in a more intuitive way without the relying on the others
  • The platform  has a well developed mobile application which is easier to use  with a new and innovative way for the people to explore the Civilized and Grey Worlds
  • The platform team has credible skills and experience led by the CEO Muayyad Shehadeh who has  successfully created Zoolz Intelligent Cloud that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to understand all that is thrown into it making him valuable in the implementation of the project
  • The platform  provides adequate security to the users data  and  information posted on it upon the identification using the Artificial Intelligence hence increasing the users trust
  • The platform white paper is elaborate giving the users the all the necessary information  on the platform and the use of UHIVE token in promoting easy crypto currency trading
  • The platform website and white paper is available in different languages permitting its extensive understanding and use in different countries


  • The white paper doesn’t show the amount of funds raised during the pre-ICO stage of the UHIVE token
  • The token is not exchangeable with fiat   hence the remote users cannot easily derive its  benefits


  • The white paper should highlight the funds raised by the UHIVE token during the pre-ICO stage
  • The UHIVE token should be made exchangeable with fiat to enable the remote users to explore the project


The UHIVE platform helps in creating a powerful and comprehensive digital social network to the world based on discoveries and explorations which would constantly increase the value of the UHIVE token. This captivates me to invest in the project as it would be able to generate more returns.

और पढो
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Very high tech spin and methods of social interactivity. It definitely makes it an exciting project to root for. I look forward to the commercial deployment.

और पढो
Ian Scarffe
Blockchain ICO Consultant / Advisor. Founder at Crypto Consulting and Investments LTD.

This looks like a promising project, and it is led by a team who seemingly have the knowledgeand experience to implement it correctly. Keep up the good work

और पढो
  • क्योंकि सूचना अद्यतन में समय के अंतर हो सकते हैं, प्रत्येक ICO परियोजना के बारे में सटीक जानकारी इसकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट या अन्य संचार चैनलों के माध्यम से सत्यापित की जानी चाहिए।
  • यह जानकारी ICO फंडिंग में निवेश करने का सुझाव या सलाह नहीं है। कृपया संबंधित जानकारी की पूरी जांच करें और ICO भागीदारी पर निर्णय लें।
  • यदि आपको लगता है कि इस सामग्री पर सुधार किए जाने वाले मुद्दे या समस्याएं हैं, या यदि आप सूचीबद्ध होने के लिए अपनी खुद की ICO परियोजना सबमिट करना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया हमें ईमेल करें । एक>
अस्वीकरण और जोखिम की चेतावनी पढ़ें। अस्वीकरण और जोखिम चेतावनी दिखाएं