Niko Slavnic

Making Ideas Fly! Investor | Serial Entrepreneur | Professor
$ 794,274
Projects Raised
About Niko Slavnic
I am passionate about business growth - with great CEE experience, deep knowledge and skills in Business Growth. Already in business for the last 25 years, helping people, organizations and countries to unlock creative potential through entrepreneurship programs. In 2001, I built IQbator, the first private business incubator in the SEE region dedicated to building and accelerating Startups with inspiration, innovation and investment. The same year I wrote the first book about Venture Capital in the SEE region “Tvegani kapital: Si upate tvegati?”. My latest bestseller "The Slovenia book" is published already in 3rd edition with more than 10.000 copies. In teaching and mentoring field, I regularly share my knowledge and experience in 19 Countries; Albania, Austria, Bosnia, China, Croatia, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia, Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine. My clients include business schools (ESSCA - École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers, IEDC - Bled School of Management, RISEBA), growing startups (Seedcamp, Startup Bootcamp, Startup Slovenia, Ljubljana Technology Park, ABC Accelerator, BIC, CRANE, BAS, EBAN) as well as global corporations (Astra Zeneca, Lidl, Telekom Slovenije, Lek, Petrol, etc.). Are you looking for a Keynote Speaker, Professor or Consultant? Want to stay ahead with: © More clients - Improving marketing conversion effectiveness © More markets - Opening new markets faster © More money - How to get continues investments © Better people - How to hire more talented people © More passion - Improving team productivity & motivation © Better sales - Optimizing the sales funnel © Higher prices - How to build the stronger recognizable brand © More structure - Business Processes in company © More leadership - Leading my time, team and myself without burn out
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