

Digital Card

SUPERFAST.CARDS is more than a nice collection of collectible NFTs – it’s a fully playable car quartet game in which each NFT represents a playing card. And thanks to the blockchain, each card is unique and has a distinct owner.

The game principle is very simple: The better Car(d) wins!

The first game mode is called “Play for Fun” and is designed to get to know the game better. It is a game of player vs. AI. You play with your own cards and for the cards – but in the “Play for Fun” mode no cards are actually won or lost yet. As the name suggests, it’s all about the fun.

Very soon the game mode “Play to Win” follows in which you actually play for the cards. And a little later we will publish game modes like Player vs. Player and Multiplayer where you play for the cards or for PETROL – or you can play to earn.