Senzu World

Senzu World

Android, iOS, Windows

Senzu World is a fast-paced roguelite game where the players will go on adventures, and collect Creatures, Treasures and many other items across the world.


By exploring Senzu World, the players will fight and collect Senzu Creatures! Each creature will give you unique abilities and change the player's stats!


Senzu Treasures will have special in-game mechanics and perks. As example, to explore some dangerous areas, the player will have to collect and equip certain treasures.


The players will be able to earn different cosmetics to personalize their character and companions!


Through your journey, you will be collecting different types of materials. Using them , you will be able to craft powerful items!


Senzu World is full of danger and threatening creatures. The best players will be fighting to accomplish the hardest achievements. All of these will also be unique NFTS.


Senzu Seeds was the first NFT collection of Senzu World. These trees will generate different types of tokens that will help you in your journey.


Senzu World is composed by different biomes, each one of them with different kind of elements and weather. Be sure you’re well equipped to face the different environments and elemental creatures .

Players’ character stats, skills, buffs, and debuffs will be determined by the creatures and treasures they choose to equip. Different strategies and builds will be available based on the treasures and creatures owned by the player which can be employed to tackle different areas, creatures, and even players.