Mouse Haunt

Mouse Haunt

Battle Royale

Mouse Haunt is a 3D isometric team based PVP game. There are two teams, the Mouse Heroes - trying to reach the Fragrant Cheese of Yore - and the Ghost Team, whose goal is to kill all the Mouse Heroes.

The Mouse Heroes shoot, dash and use special abilities while making their way through the haunted Castle. At the same time, the Ghost Team possess objects, activate traps and use their own ethereal abilities to try and kill the pesky rodents.

The twist comes when a mouse dies. It's not their end! They come back as Ghosts, switching teams on the go and swinging the odds of the battle. Now they have a new objective and earn their score by going against their former teammates!

Mouse Haunt is an innovative IP and an innovative company. We are here to create amazing games and empower players with the newest technology in the world. We are bridging the traditional gaming industry with powerful blockchain tools by creating a single universe where the two meet - Players can play and have fun without engaging with any blockchain systems, but they also have the option to play, have a ton of fun, truly own their assets as NFTs and earn real money while having a blast.

Mouse Haunt is made using Unreal Engine 5 and integrated with the BEP20 (Smart Chain) blockchain.