

Digital Card

Instinct is a platform whose objective is to give its users access to certain exclusive content related to card gaming so that players can have a great time while earning. Users will also be able to collect and trade cards as well as $INSTINCT on the platform. We are leveraging blockchain and NFT technologies to enhance the collective experiences of users. Our platform features a dynamic user interface and a versatile API designed to facilitate transactions, all anchored on blockchain technology, which guarantees digital assets’ authenticity, traceability, and immutability.


The $INSTINCT Token is BNB-integrated and acts as an incentive for players on the platform. We will have a total supply of 1 billion tokens. While holding $INSTINCT, users earn BNB automatically and control which currency to receive their earnings in. BNB dividends will be available in ANY currency on BSC, including BTCB, XRP, ADA, etc. They can also keep track of how much they have earned so far from their dashboard, and see when the next payout is due, updated in real-time.