Rocket Estate Technologies

Rocket Estate Technologies

Rocket Estate Technologies Rocket Estate Technologies (RET) is a strategic venture equity investment firm with a global footprint in fintech, cybersecurity, digital assets, and eGaming.

के बारे में Rocket Estate Technologies

We support and represent the forefront of innovation within our target industries, leveraging our team's unique insights and wide network to infuse synergies among our investees' products, geographies, and technologies for maximum impact. Through these efforts, RET channels its resources and creativity into constructive initiatives that support safety, prosperity, and stability within society’s most critical frameworks.

we put smart money to work for you

Rocket Estate Technologies blends smart money investments with bespoke solutions to the most commonly identified pain points among startups (especially from emerging markets): lack of resources, gaps in the front office, and numerous difficulties when expanding internationally.


Our value-add portfolio support includes:

Business Development

  • international business development

  • market expansion

  • digital product strategy

  • product marketing strategy

  • global outreach and promotion

Governance and Security

  • corporate governance

  • international corporate development

  • financial controlling

  • operational and technical excellence

  • legal support and cybersecurity advisory


Richard Ogilchyn Gol...
vision, investments, development
Ryan Mchenry
operations, marketing, product strategy
Paul Korzhyk
technology, engineering
Emad Mostaque
fund direction