Petroleum Australia

Petroleum Australia

के बारे में Petroleum Australia

From the early development stages, Sage Media Group was determined to deliver written content of the highest quality alongside visually striking graphics to create an informative publication, with an eye-catching layout. National Resources Review was the first example of this strategy, and from the publication’s launch in 2012, it has developed into a go-to information source for everything resources related. The monthly publication reaches resources sector decision makers in procurement, investment, and operations at executive level, alongside current informative online articles.

In January 2015 Sage Media Group launched its second title, Build Australia, concentrating on the commercial construction industry. With an Australia-wide footprint, this quarterly magazine covers riveting architecture and design projects, profiling the interesting individuals and companies that make up Australia’s and the rest of the world’s dynamic construction sector.

In June 2018 Sage Media Group’s third title was launched; Petroleum Australia. With a strong emphasis on having an online presence, the website and online magazine reach key decision makers in the oil and gas sectors, Australia and worldwide. Petroleum Australia has its finger on the pulse of current oil and gas events, innovative projects and more.   In 2020, Sage Media Group launched its fourth title, the Green Review. With a focus on sustainable, or ‘green’ initiatives, in some of the world’s major sectors, the magazine offers a new spectrum to readers that have a keen interest in sustainability and the environment. The magazine covers news and projects in each sector, and reviews what companies and governments in Australia and globally are putting in place to achieve a ‘greener’ world.