

The computer, de-invented Meet DC-1. A new kind of computer, designed for deep focus and wellbeing.

के बारे में daylight

Daylight is a Public Benefit Co.

One of my big surprises of Silicon Valley was finding out how nice & well intentioned many of the execs of “evil big tech” were. Shocking because I expected them to be evil. Heartbreaking because they weren’t.

It meant big tech do bad not cuz of who runs them, but because of the systematic forces they’re beholden to, ie business model & shareholder mandate.

So to make tech that does less evil, it’s not enough to believe we’re good people with good intentions. We need to root cause solve the systematic disincentives.

Thus, we decided daylight should be a PBC, with a double bottom line: not just a fiduciary duty to shareholders, but also a civil duty to uphold our public benefit purpose:

To help technology and humanity live happily ever after.