

A unique ecosystem for digital advertising indust.

के बारे में BigBom

Bigbom's application ecosystem provides wide sets of features like optimization, contract sign, ads tracking, ads payment among other features. Data service works as data oracle for displaying ads performance data to interested parties

Bigbom's SDK enables the capabilities to use Bigbom's Contract Platform without depending to our dApps. This enables business to integrate them directly with their existing system. Everyone can build their own application.Smart contracts are designed to automatically perform transactions and other particular actions within Bigbom ecosystem with parties that you don’t necessarily trust.Able to run on either Ethereum, a well-known blockchain that is supports smart contracts with a large number of user base, or Tomochain, a POSV blockchain that is able to provide scalability, cheaper transaction cost and compatible with Ethereum smart contract.


17 631
को यह पसंद है:
16 122


Annie Huynh
CMO & Co-Founder
Tuan Co
CTO & Co-Founder
Vung Nguyen
CEO & Co-Founder
Petosa La
HR Manager
Long Vuong
Co-Founder & CEO, Tomochain


$16 357 122

Victor Tran
Co-Founder, Kyber Network

घटनाओं में भागीदारी