Bitcoin Fan Club Token

Bitcoin Fan Club Token

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When you combine the raw power of decentralization, fair tokenomics, innovation, a tight-knit community, and a love for Bitcoin, something magical happens. You get Bitcoin Fan Club Token—a reward token that pays free Bitcoin every 60 minutes!
डेटा उपलब्ध नहीं है
To be announced
टोकन विवरण
कुल आपूर्ति
टोकन वितरण
Pre-Sale: 25%
M ar keting/Project: 20%
Community: 20%
Team: 5%
Adv i sor: 5%
L iquidity: 25%
अतिरिक्त जानकारिया

के बारे में Bitcoin Fan Club Token

Memes and pet-inspired tokens are fun. There’s no denying that. But is that really all that the wonderful blockchain technology has to offer? Far from it!

Blockchain has unlocked opportunities that our ancestors couldn’t possibly comprehend, let alone take advantage of. With the Bitcoin Fan Club Token, we’re bringing those limitless opportunities to the mainstream to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the average consumer—yes, that’s you!

By merging fair tokenomics with emerging blockchain applications like P2E gaming, staking, a launchpad, and more, Bitcoin Fan Club Token is going to be the investment vehicle that can carry you to the lands of financial freedom.


With Bitcoin Fan Club Token, we want to do things differently. We want to create a more inclusive financial future where all our members can not only survive but thrive.

In that sense, this project is a journey where our team and our community (you) must come together and walk together towards a brighter future. For that to happen, we need to march in unity and under the guidance of our three core values:

  • To do something extraordinary, you must do things that are out of the ordinary. Tried and tired paths lead to same-old destinations. That’s why you’ll always find us pushing at the edge of innovation, whether that’s a fundamentally-solid token, P2E gaming, or any upcoming seismic shifts like the metaverse. BTCF will spearhead the decentralized finance solution at every turn. The rewards of this innovation will trickle down to all members of our community, from token holders and stakers to active P2E NFT participants and more.
  • The problem with most projects is a lack of sustainability. They promise the moon and beyond, but once things start to pick up, like a row of dominoes, everything comes crashing down. That is why sustainability will be front and center in everything BTCF pursues. We’re laying a solid foundation with our fair tokenomics and growing list of utilities. With this foundation in place, we’ll take bolder yet calculated risks over time to bring our community wildly profitable returns.
  • Honesty is the stepping stone on which every aspect of any relationship hinges upon. But a common issue in the crypto space is the lack of communication from creators. Deals are made behind closed doors that the rest of the community isn’t privy to see. We’re going to flip that pattern on its head by prioritizing communication and transparency at every step of the journey. We’ll walk together, in tandem and hand-in-hand, because having someone by your side is how paper hands turn into diamond hands!


The Bitcoin Fan Club Token is the central piece of our ecosystem. This is a chance for both passive and active participants to take charge of their financial future and profit from a utility-first, community-driven token.


5% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed Automatically to all holders. Hold Bitcoin Fan Club tokens, earn Bitcoin.

A Minimum of 200,000 tokens is required in order to receive rewards.



Our mission is to uplift all members of our community. That’s why our tokenomics are not only transparent, but also industryleading when it comes to fairness. Our team is only taking 5% of the supply, which will be unlocked over time.


From our token to future projects, we’re designing everything with sustainability in mind. Success only matters if it lasts. With us, you won’t have to worry about the daily swings of the market because we’re creating something bigger than that. With 1% auto burn, 2% auto liquidity, and anti-whale and anti-bot mechanisms, our token can sail the treacherous waters of decentralized finance steadily.


Our reward structure ensures that 5% of all transactions go towards rewarding our holders. While all meaningful journeys are long and arduous, we know the difference some passive rewards along the way can make. We’ll distribute rewards every 60 minutes, and yes, these rewards will compound over each interval!


The BTCF ecosystem is like a living and breathing creature. Over time, it will keep evolving, bringing exciting new updates and entirely new creations. So when you buy this token, you’re buying VIP access to the front-row seats of blockchain innovation.

% नाम% रोडमैप

  • PHASE 1: ASCENSION (Q2, 2022)

    Open the gates to our ecosystem with the launch of Bitcoin Fan Club.

    Secure listings on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and other token tracking sites.

    Launch a 360-degree marketing campaign by integrating influencer partnerships, content and news articles, social media campaigns, and other avenues to bring more eyeballs to BTCF.
  • PHASE 2: EXPANSION (Q2/Q3, 2022)

    Staying true to our commitment to innovation, we’ll allow other creators to tap into our resources and launch next-gen projects. Our community will serve as a springboard that brings truly powerful projects to life!

    Expand the BTCF token to premier decentralized finance exchanges to provide a seamless trading experience to users of those exchanges. This will naturally uplift the value of tokens for all holders, especially early buyers.

    Phase two will usher in a new era of our marketing campaign. By optimizing based on the results from previous campaigns, we’ll craft and execute new strategies to put these latest offerings on the radar of a global audience.

    Take the curtains off of our own P2E NFT project to show the world what our community of united and passionate members can do

    Introduce passive investment options with the launch of BTCF staking and investment pools. Expect to get industry leading returns backed by a sustainable ecosystem.

    At this stage, we’ll have much and more to share with the world. As human attention is fleeting at best, we’ll continue to bubble-up fresh marketing ideas and keep all our projects front and center for wide audiences.

    You’ll get a chance to raise your voice and shape the future of our ecosystem by suggesting ideas across a range of categories. We’ll combine community suggestions with our own internal planning to unveil brand-new projects that will define the next phases of this evolving project.

Bitcoin Fan Club Token अंतिम समाचार

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