Tresorio HUB

Tresorio HUB

Created using Figma

Dernière mise à jour

21 août 2018

Tresorio HUB est un écosystème transparent, décentralisé, durable et scalable, accessible via une plateforme Cloud, la plateforme HUB, permettant un accès facilité aux ressources informatiques. La plateforme HUB sera alimentée par la puissance de calcul des chaudières numériques et clusters de notre Green Network (en partenariat avec Dalkia) ainsi que par les ressources informatiques mises à disposition par des milliers de contributeurs au travers des places de marchés décentralisées agrégées par la plateforme HUB.
1 déc. 2018
31 janv. 2019
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Casquette 7 600.00 ETH
  • 15000 HUB
    1 ETH
    ( 1 déc. 2018 — 31 janv. 2019 )
  • 10000 HUB
    1 ETH
    ( 21 déc. 2018 — 10 janv. 2019 )
  • 7500 HUB
    1 ETH
    ( 11 janv. 2019 — 31 janv. 2019 )
Private sale
5 juil. 2018
31 oct. 2018
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
Casquette 7 600.00 USD
  • 50000 HUB
    1 ETH
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
- Crowdsale : 1020000000 (51%)
- Private sale : 380000000 (19%)
- Company reserve : 200000000 (10%)
- Partnership reserve : 180000000 (9%)
- Advisors : 160000000 (8%)
- Bounties : 60000000 (3%)
Devises Acceptées
Contribution min.
Détails de l'entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise enregistrée
Tresorio HUB S.A.S.
Pays enregistré
Fondation de l'entreprise
Jun 16, 2018
Bonus Structure
Private sale : 380M HUB @ 50 000 HUB/ETH

Crowdsale :
- Tiers 1 : 340M HUB @ 15 000 HUB/ETH
- Tiers 2 : 340M HUB @ 10 000 HUB/ETH
- Tiers 3 : 340M HUB @ 7 500 HUB/ETH

During the crowdsale, each Tier will start at the end of the previous one.
The crowdsale will end when all the tokens are sold.
Détails supplémentaires
Liste blanche
Oui , de Jul 5, 2018
Pays restreints
China, Ukraine, South Africa, Iran, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Laos, Afghanistan, Venezuela
Les catégories

Sur Tresorio HUB

Tresorio HUB souhaite apporter une solution supplémentaire à ce problème en créant un agrégateur de ressources informatiques, fondé sur son propre parc décentralisé et éco-responsable de serveurs professionnels, le Green Network et sur les ressources fournies par les particuliers au travers des différentes places de marché décentralisées. Ces ressources seront louées à des entreprises et des particuliers ayant des besoins récurrents ou non, afin qu’ils puissent les utiliser pour stocker et déployer toutes sortes d’applications (IA, minage de crypto-actifs, jeux vidéo, rendu graphique, projets de recherche scientifique…). Ces ressources seront également mises à disposition par des sociétés ou des individus cherchant à rentabiliser leurs ressources informatiques inutilisées, au travers du Green Network ou via les places de marché décentralisées.

Aussi, grâce à notre expérience en développement d’algorithmes quantitatifs dédiés à la gestion du risque, nous pouvons diminuer la volatilité d’un portefeuille de crypto-actifs composés notamment des tokens des places de marché partenaires (iExec, SONM, Golem, Storj, etc.). En effet, cette démarche est une nécessité pour permettre en temps-réel aux utilisateurs de payer en token HUB pour accéder à toutes les ressources décentralisées des plateformes (algorithme « Optimal Allocator »). On notera qu’il est également nécessaire de convertir les tokens HUB en autres tokens ou en fiat afin de rémunérer les contributeurs.

En parallèle, nous nous sommes dotés d’outils intelligents pour mieux gérer la liquidité des ordres envoyés aux bourses mais aussi de stratégies algorithmiques haute fréquence à très faible volatilité. Ces outils permettent de diminuer le coût global des transactions et ainsi le coût final du service proposé par Tresorio HUB.

Grâce à ces différentes solutions, développées conjointement par Tresorio et SESAMm depuis 2016, nous contribuons à une meilleure allocation de la puissance de calcul, offrant ainsi un accès simplifié et indépendant aux acteurs de ce marché. Nous contribuons également au développement d’une nouvelle forme d’exploitation des serveurs informatiques et participons ainsi en collaboration avec Dalkia à la révolution du “Green Computing”.


Le token HUB

Le token HUB est un token utilitaire, un actif digital échangeable à travers la plateforme HUB contre des ressources informatiques, pour différents usages tels que du rendu 3D, des calculs scientifiques complexes, de l'analyse d'IRM, ou encore de l'entraînement de modèle de machine learning.

Le Green Network
Une partie de la puissance informatique que nous mettons à disposition s'appuie sur le Green Network, notre réseau évolutif et hétérogène de super-clusters qui génèrent de la chaleur pour leurs hôtes. Développées en partenariat avec le groupe Dalkia, ces chaudières numériques seront déployées sur un territoire le plus vaste possible afin de placer la puissance de calcul au plus proche des utilisateurs.

La plateforme HUB

La plateforme Tresorio HUB est une plateforme cloud rapide, générique et sécurisée permettant de déployer tout type d’application (minage, IA, jeux vidéo, …) sur une quantité toujours plus importante de ressources informatiques, qu'elles proviennent de notre Green Network ou de milliers d'opérateurs indépendants. Grace à ses différents modules et connecteurs à diverses places de marché décentralisées (SONM, Infrachain, iExec, Dadi, ...), cette plateforme permettra aux utilisateurs de parcourir le pool de ressources disponibles, d'y dénicher les meilleurs prix, de les louer et de les utiliser en lançant leurs propres tâches ou en utilisant le catalogue d’applications. 

Notre boîte à outils algorithmique

Grâce à notre expérience en développement d’algorithmes quantitatifs dédiés à la gestion du risque, nous avons développé des outils permettant de diminuer la volatilité d’un portefeuille de crypto-actifs. Cela assurera une gestion efficace des Ethers récoltés lors de l'ICO et des tokens des places de marché décentralisées nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la plateforme HUB (iExec, SONM, Golem, Storj etc.). Ces outils permettent de diminuer le coût global des transactions et ainsi le coût final du service proposé par Tresorio HUB.


% name% roadmap

  • May 2016

  • Tresorio creation
  • August 2016

  • Cloud mining service launch
  • March 2017

  • Smart-boiler MVP
  • April 2017

  • SESAMm's partnership
  • Lire la suite
  • November 2017

  • Trading platform enters production
  • February 2018

  • Dalkia's partnership
  • 5 July 2018

  • ICO Private Sale start
  • 12 July 2018

  • Pilot cluster inauguration
  • October 2018

  • HUB platform MVP
  • November 2018

  • Supercluster builder MVP
  • December 2018

  • ICO crowdsale
  • October 2019

  • Household heater release
  • March 2020

  • AWS enters the Internet Museum

Tresorio HUB Matériaux

Tresorio HUB Équipe

Vérifié 82%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Eymeric Sozonoff
Data Scientist, SESAMm
non vérifié
Jonathan Klein
Manager - Strategy, Tresorio
Loïc Gorka
Manager - Green Network, Tresorio
Thibault Studlé
Manager - Finance, Tresorio
Guillaume Hoff
Manager - Production, Tresorio
Marc-Antoine Colotte
Manager - Crypto Market, Tresorio
Marceau Visano
Manager - Legal, Tresorio
Morgane Lacaze
Office Manager, Tresorio
Alexis Renck
Automation Engineer, Tresorio
Sylvain Forté
Pierre Rinaldi
Florian Aubry
Vincent Madrenas
IT Quant, SESAMm
Joachim Joyaux
IT Quant, SESAMm
Stanislas Rohmer
Marketing & Sales Director, SESAMm
Malik Senouci
Communication, SESAMm
Marjorie Muller
Executive Assistant, SESAMm
Florian Labat
Head of Quantitative Analysis, SESAMm
Guillaume Gauthier
Algorithmic Trader, SESAMm
Alexandre Denis
Head of NLP research, SESAMm
non vérifié
Pierre Maeckereel
Machine Learning & NLP, SESAMm
Yingsi Liang
NLP PhD Student, SESAMm
Toussaint Behaghel
Machine Learning Engineer, SESAMm
Cedric Remond
Software Engineer, SESAMm
Mathieu Beucher
Python Developer, SESAMm
non vérifié
Kevin Ruby
Full-stack Developer, SESAMm
Tanguy Gerome
Software Developer, SESAMm
non vérifié
Alexandre De Beaumon...
Software Developer, SESAMm
non vérifié


Vérifié 82%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Derick Smith
Advisor, AmmbrTech Group
Dr. Arjuna Sathiasee...
Advisor, Ammbr Research Lab
Edmund Lowell
Advisor, KYC-Chain/Selfkey
non vérifié
Chris Marcilla
Advisor, KYC3


$7 904 000

Marco Houwen
Advisor, Infrachain
Williams Mermet-Bouv...
Advisor, Portfolio Manager AIF
Pierre Batsch
Advisor, HPC/Cloud Consultant
Steve Renard
Advisor, C# software developer
non vérifié
Pauline Leg
Advisor, Communication consultant
Laszlo Szabo
Jinhyun Kang
Advisor, Community animator

Tresorio HUB Entretiens

Jonathan Klein
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My name is Jonathan KLEIN. I am Manager of Tresorio Group, dedicated to all strategy aspects of the company development.
I am also the CEO of Tresorio HUB and one of the leading architect of the HUB token.

After more than 2 years of R&D and the creation of three functionnal products (Tresorio Mining, the Green Network and a high frequency trading framework), Tresorio Group and its partners SESAMm and Dalkia decided to use their know-hows to create an efficient and secure edge computing platform.
This HUB platform will be accessible to HUB tokenholders and will act as a computing resources aggregator based on the Green Network resources and the ones provided by thousands of contributors through decentralized marketplaces (SONM, iExec, Golem, Dadi, ...).

I am very proud of my team for the work they provided and I am confident in our ability to disrupt the $400 bn cloud computing market.
Our strong and diversify advisory board as well as our tokenholders community will help us to create a cloud service where datas stay in the hand of the users and apps will run on a sustainable and local infrastructure.

Thank you for your interest and contribution.
Let's move supercomputing to the edge together !
Loïc Gorka
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Loic Gorka, co-founder of Tresorio and manager of Tresorio Group, dedicated to the creation and expansion of the Green Network.

Since the first days of our cloud mining operation in 2016, we are focusing on the creation of a truly efficient and scalable infrastructure.
Passionate about extreme cooling in my youth, I have conceptualized and created, with our team, our first Smart-Boilers.

Thanks to our partnership with Dalkia, we are able to expand rapidly our Green Network on a wide territory. The heat generated will then benefit to all kind of buildings and the model could be exported almost anywhere on earth.

These Smart-Boilers based on mining rigs are already in production and my job is now to create various types of clusters, adapted to the different use cases the HUB platform will enable.
Thank you for your trust and interest.

Let’s move supercomputing to the edge together!
Thibault Studlé
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Manager - Finance
Guillaume Hoff
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Specialized in electrical engineering, since the beginning of Tresorio Mining, I am responsible of the mining rigs production and clusters setup. Watercooled, dense, efficient, we built state-of-the art 9-GPUs rigs that let us offer to our clients the best prices possible.
The stability of these rigs, now installed in the Green Network first clusters, will let HUB platform users experience a truly transparent cloud mining service. The first use case of the platform, that will be available, will be the deployment of mining apps directly on dedicated resources.
The users will just have to order as many resources as they want and deploy the apps with their preferred parameters (wallet and pool address). These apps combined with our fully stable rigs will let you mine directly for yourself without any intermediary, just as if it was the rig in your garage.
From our experience, this use case only could change the cloud mining sector for ever. We are now working on the adaptation of more powerful servers to create clusters for various tasks like rendering, machine learning model training or complex scientific computations.
Let’s move supercomputing to the edge together !
Marc-Antoine Colotte
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Manager crypto markets
Marceau Visano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Legal manager
Morgane Lacaze
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Office Manager
Alexis Renck
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible of the monitoring platform development of the Green Network and the automation of the system.
Sylvain Forté
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As CEO of SESAMm, a company heavily involved in both cloud computing and crypto markets with asset management clients worldwide, I truly believe that the whole AI industry has a strong need for decentralized edge computing solutions. Using blockchain technologies is key to these developments.

Our team and clients experience the cost of traditional cloud computing and we know that cost effective and energy efficient solutions need to be developed right now. We will provide our strong algorithmic expertise and experience with every single pain point of existing cloud computing solutions to make Tresorio HUB a leader in the industry. SESAMm is the typical user and a very demanding one, so we’ll make it great for the whole community!
Pierre Rinaldi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Florian Aubry
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the CTO of SESAMm, my role is to help Tresorio with the feasibility of their project.

Their project is the thing that is missing in the crypto environment : a layer to standardize technologies and make things easier and cheaper for end users.
Vincent Madrenas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Algo Trading
Joachim Joyaux
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Algorithmic Traderwith with deep knowledge in C++, python and quantitative finance. My role is to manage the cryptocurrency portfolio of Tresorio HUB and create best execution strategies that reduce transaction fees.
Stanislas Rohmer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Sales and Marketing Director SESAMm
Malik Senouci
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing & Communication - SESAMm
Marjorie Muller
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Executive Assistant SESAMm
Florian Labat
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Quantitative Analysis and Machine Learning at SESAMm
Guillaume Gauthier
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Quant Researcher chez SESAMm.
Pierre Maeckereel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Data engineer
Yingsi Liang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
NLP Research Engineer, SESAMm
Toussaint Behaghel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Machine Learning Engineer at SESAMm
Cedric Remond
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Software engineer SESAMm
Kevin Ruby
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Full stack developer at SESAMm
Derick Smith
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Tresorio Hub is going to take cloud computing to the next stage of development.
Dr. Arjuna Sathiaseelan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Advising on edge computing infrastructure. The idea is revolutionary.
Chris Marcilla
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I overview the Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering program of Tresorio Hub. Such best practices have been put in place in order to protect the contributors.
I have lot of respect for the team that I met numerous times, they are thinking in terms of best execution and concrete things to show, anticipating two steps ahead of the whole market behaviour.
Computing power, data crunching linked or not to AI, infrastructure is needed and Tresorio Hub is just serving this.
Marco Houwen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Being involved in the Blockchain industry since 2015, I am always fascinated by projects which are joining my passions: first, disruption of the datacenter market, second, a world-class project having real disruptive and sustainable capabilities and third, an outstanding team ready to give it all to set the vision into action.
The HUB Platform is all of this!
Me being a veteran in the c-location and datacenter field since 2001 I feel really confident that this new way of distributed resources is the way how to run the future of distributed computing. The fact that this platform has a holistic view on its value chain by creating green-edge-computing ecosystem allowing the excess heat of superclusters to warm swimming pools, hospitals and private buildings is a killer argument in the rising concern on energy consumption in the Internet and crypto economy.
As a transformational visionary I am convinced that this is a one of its kind project and the already in place partnerships make it today more than only an idea.
Williams Mermet-Bouvier
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Late 2016, I started developing a keen interest for the Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies. An ICO allows a crypto-startup to raise cryptocurrencies to finance its development, a financing revolution.

I really enjoy to take part in the Tresorio HUB adventure because this upcoming ICO is based on a validated Proof-of-Concept, a rare green flag into the ICO world. Also, the green-edge-computing is one of these concepts which try to value negative externalities: heat of supercluster as way to warm swimming pools, hospitals and private buildings. This is an inspiring approach for a more efficient world. To remind to all, the digital pollution (consumption from data centers) brings more CO2 in the air than the civil aviation.

The HUB platform is an useful tool for a cheaper access to computing power, necessary for the upcoming IoT revolution.

For this project, I'm working actively on the digital assets diversification tool. As an alternative portfolio manager, I'm dealing everyday with alternative assets which have the similar characteristics (volatitlity, lack of liquidity, irrational bias) as digital assets.
Pierre Batsch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Since more than 30 years, involved in IT projects and solutions for large and SMB. Tresorio provide an integrated solution platteform gathering all the new paradigme of the IT of the future in a rare combination of sensitive creativity and smart gathering of talent and vision.
Pauline Leg
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My name is Pauline LEG. I am communication advisor for Tresorio HUB. After 8 years working as communication and digital manager for international brands, I decided to take up new challenges and to share my experience with disruptive companies that aim at making the world a better place.

Having followed Tresorio since the beginning, I must say that I am very impressed of how fast they have built and developed their ecosystem, dealing resiliently with all new challenges.

Their HUB products and services, strenghthened by renowed partners (Dalkia, SESAMm), a strong and innovative team and a high level advisory board constitute the best possible chance to disrupt the cloud computing market, and to allow everyone in this planet to enjoy its own cloud. Also, using smart-boilers to scale their computing infrastructure is a very smart idea that will bring the power close to the users, while heating them.

At the time of the AI and IoT revolutions, have you ever dreamt about having your own personal cloud and your apps running on a sustainable and local infrastructure?
Laszlo Szabo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I fell into the tech pot in august 2015, when two of my friends asked him to co-develop Skill Hunter: a tech recruitment company based in Marseille. I was mainly in charge of the client portfolio composed by start-ups, big tech companies and CAC 40 companies.

Me and my partner initiated some reflexions among how the blockchain could revolutionize the HR industry. Our conclusions lead to the idea that it will certify HR informations (Diploma, CVs, Identity, companies, etc.) as well as giving back the ownership of sensitive data to the end user. Last but not least, we found out that it will reward employees according to their value creation instantly, securely and transparently. Since then, I am developing SkillZ at Chain Accelerator (Station F), an HR software company, that certify, HR documents during the recruitment process as well as employee’s identity on their workplace through the blockchain.

I discovered Tresorio in May of this year, and due to its ongoing project, I fell in love with the concepts of decentralized cloud storage and decentralized computing. Undoubtedly, I understood that these two innovations, will tremendously impact the cloud and computing markets, making them cheaper, faster and more secure. I also liked the energy and the will of the team to impact positively and for good the mining, cloud storage and cloud computing space, by using the Green Network solutions. Dalkia’s partnership with Tresorio, further demonstrates a clear understanding from the establishment, that “les chaudières numériques” represent a serious outcome of the energy production future. Ultimately, what is good for the planet, brings better services to the end user.

I am helping Tresorio HUB recruiting the best tech talents. Also, as a blockchain entrepreneur, I am connecting Tresorio to various experts from the technical and financial (VCs, exchanges, etc.) field as well as crypto influencers.
Jinhyun Kang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I provide a great information and strategies for the ICO project especially regarding the Asian crypto market and its approaches as a Korean.

Tresorio HUB Dernières nouvelles

5.0 9
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


Tresorio Hub is a fast, secure and generic cloud platform that allows users to deploy any form of application ( like mining, video games and AI on the continually increasing number of IT resources. It utilizes different modules and connections thus enabling users to search through the pool of available resources, rent or even use them by importing their assignments or using the application catalog. It therefore, facilitates the use of tokens without the need for a central server.


  1. The platform provides widespread access to computing resources. The rental dashboard allows customers to find the computing power and resources necessary for the apt functioning of apps.
  2. Tressorio encapsulates all applications in a Docker container, an open-source tool that can be used as a bubble in which an app can run without showing any visible effect outside the bubble.
  3. Platform users who have a certain amount of tokens have access to discounts that are spread over several levels. The discounts can be applied to the rental price of resources within the network.
  4. Users have access to the monitoring of platform activities, that is, PUE, the installed servers and uptime, complete with a comprehensive overview of all the system activity monitoring indicators.
  5. The platform has many sources of revenue including proceeds from Green Network leasing and fees paid by third parties to use the system algorithms.
  6. Whitepaper; it clearly explains every aspect of the platform and uses different delivery methods thus facilitating a deeper understanding of the network.
  7. Team; Tressorio is one of the platforms with the largest numbers of team members whose experience and expertise will play a role in enriching the platform.


  1. Since it allows users to browse and utilize various applications developed by different persons, copyright issues can pose a challenge.
  2. The white paper in the disclaimer section categorically states that the project poses many risks to possible buyers of the platform.
  3. Users have to establish on their own whether purchasing the system tokens can cause a breach of any applicable law.


  1. The team should first reach out to all app developers and seek permission to avail their creations to the end user.
  2. There is a need to forestall the many risks so that buyers can only assume other unavoidable risks apart from the three stated.
  3. The system should research and provide a list of countries where should buyers purchase system tokens, the citizens will breach available laws


Tresorio idea is undoubtedly brilliant; the fact it intends to create an aggregator of computer resources, centered on a decentralized and eco-responsible clusters network is laudable. However, that the whitepaper downright states that the system may never become operational is a huge turn-off. I will not invest in the platform.

Lire la suite
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  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
Veuillez lire la clause de non-responsabilité et l'avertissement de risque. Afficher l'avertissement et l'avertissement de risque.