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Swarm is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that collectively provide a decentralised storage and communication service. This system is economically self-sustaining due to a built-in incentive system which is enforced through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and powered by the BZZ token.
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Sur Swarm

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Swarm is a decentralised storage and communication system for a sovereign digital society. Swarm is a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes that create a decentralised storage and communication service. The system is economically self-sustaining due to a built-in incentive system enforced through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Redundancy makes the system resilient to connectivity issues, node churn or targeted ddos attacks and enables a zero-downtime service. Users remain sovereign owners of their personal data in alignment with fair data principles.

Shifting the cost of access, hosting and execution to users removes the last obstacle to truly agile and adaptive application development.

Swarm’s mission is to shape the future towards a self-sovereign global society and permissionless open markets by providing scalable base-layer infrastructure for the decentralised internet. Swarm’s vision is to extend the blockchain with peer-to-peer storage and communication to realise the world computer that can serve as an operating system and deployment environment for decentralised applications.

Swarm provides continuity of service and resilience against network outages or targeted denial of service attacks. As a platform for permissionless publication, Swarm fosters freedom of information. With its exceptional privacy features like anonymous browsing, deniable storage, untraceable messaging and file representation formats that leak no metadata, Swarm responds to the growing demand for security on the web.

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