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Un service StreamDesk équitable et propre est connecté aux taux de change du marché de la cryptomonnaie en temps quasi réel et ne permet pas aux utilisateurs de le modifier. De plus, le service a une petite commission non cachée. La sécurité du projet est réalisée en utilisant les contrats Smart et la politique KYC.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • Mercatox
    STM/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0303
  • Mercatox
    STM/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0178
  • Bancor Network
    STM/BNT 2 one year ago
  • Coinlim
    STM/USDT 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0031
    $ 0.3282
  • Uniswap (v3)
    STM/ETH 4 one year ago
  • ZG.TOP
    STM/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0017
    $ 4.27
  • TokenJar
    STM/WETH 5 one year ago
    STM/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0010
    $ 9.455 K
  • CryptoBridge
    STM/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
To be announced
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Crypto-monnaie

Sur Streamity

L'élément clé de STREAMITY est l'application décentralisée StreamDesk pour l'échange de crypto-monnaie en monnaie fiduciaire sans intermédiaires sur la base de contrats intelligents. Nous créons StreamDesk afin de protéger chaque membre de la société crypto contre les risques lors de l'échange crypto-monnaie et accélérer ainsi le développement du crypto-market. Les utilisateurs de la plateforme StreamDesk obtiennent des prix aussi proches que possible du taux de change actuel.

Comment fonctionne l'échange? Crypto-monnaie est bloquée dans le contrat intelligent jusqu'à ce que le signal de crédit de l'argent fiduciaire au compte du vendeur soit reçu, étant transféré directement entre les utilisateurs . L'argent de Fiat et la crypto-monnaie ne sont pas bloqués sur la plateforme, ce qui nous permet de travailler légalement dans la plupart des juridictions du monde.

& nbsp;


Commission. & nbsp; La commission varie de 0 à 2% et dépend du package acheté avec un ensemble d'avantages & nbsp;

Avantages & nbsp; Le projet StreamDesk est basé sur le service de masse recherché et la connexion de nouveaux utilisateurs crée une forte demande pour les jetons STM. De plus, les jetons seront échangés ouvertement sur les principaux échanges crypto et, grâce au service StreamDesk, les utilisateurs transformeront la crypto-monnaie en argent ordinaire, car il est beaucoup plus rentable, en garantissant l'accès de nouveaux utilisateurs au service!

Info technique

S'il vous plaît voir les informations techniques sur les pages 15-21 du livre blanc

% name% roadmap

  • May 2017

  • Creation of the idea
    of Streamity project
  • Q1.2018

  • Start of ICO
  • August 2017

  • The prototype of
    StreamDesk finished
    Backend and user’s account
  • Q1.2018

  • Launch of StreamDesk
    and of the marketing campaign
  • Lire la suite
  • Q2.2018

  • Launch of the education and
    information «Streamity» resource
  • Q4.2018

  • Launch of
    cryptocurrencies converter
  • Q2.2018

  • Launch of the education and
    information «Streamity» resource
  • Q2.2019

  • Launch of Streamity
    mobile version (IOS/Android)
  • Q4.2019

  • Launch of «Streamity» investment resource
  • Q4.2019

  • Launch of «Streamity» investment resource

Streamity Équipe

Vérifié 80%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Vladislav Kuznetsov
CEO Founder
Dmitriy Martianov
CTO Co-Founder
Oles Sribny
Head of Investment
non vérifié
Sergey Bezvenko
Back-end Developer
Maxim Yarushin
Business Development Manager
Egor Okhterov
Software Engineer
non vérifié


$4 200 000

Paul Bolgarskih
Blockchain developer
Olga Prosalova
Marketing & Community
Maxim Smirnov
Software engineer
Sergii Kolomiiets
Online coach & investment

Streamity Entretiens

Vladislav Kuznetsov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I’m sure that our project is bound to succeed! Investors are good to know about the launch of our main service StreamDesk during Q1 2018. Usually startups need a lot of time to be launched after the ICO. But we are going to launch our service even before the ICO. MVP is ready and will be published on site in the nearest time! All of this means that we have serious intentions and a high-skilled team! Soon everyone who bought crypto currency just for once would understand that our service is really essential nowadays.
Dmitriy Martianov
What is your opinion about the project?
I strongly believe in our project. In addition to the main StreamDesk p2p-platform we are develping information-analytical, investment and educational resources and each of them will be the imdependent project.

P2p-platform is the unique offer for the cryptocurrency market. Using of the smart contract technology is secure the deals and the automatic connection to the real exchange rates makes StreamDesk the best proffitable offer.
Sergey Bezvenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
One of the biggest Streamity advantage is the security of the transactions which are realized via smart-contract technology moreover the service is a legal in the most jurisdictions all of this make the project unique. Moreover the P2P-exchange platform is very demanded service on the crypto-market.
Maxim Yarushin
What is your opinion about the project?
I am very happy to be a part of the project, because I am working with the group of professionals and enthusiasts and the team is the first key for the successful project building. Another thing that I like in the project is the idea and it's uniqueness on the blockchain market. We are providing absolutely new and cheap p2p exchange service without any hidden commission and with the automatic exchange rates. Streamity will allow users to save the money and buy the cryptocurrency at the fair prices. And the smart-contracts technology will guarantee the deals security. Moreover fiat money and cryptocurrency are not blocking on the platform this allows us to work legally in the most world jurisdictions.
All things considered, the work of Streamity is aimed to the crypto community development. We are trying to make cryptocurrency transfers easier and simpler and this would attracts people from non-crypto community to the blockchain market and this in turn, will makes the market more stable.
Olga Prosalova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My opinion about our project is absolutely positive and there are a lot of reasons for this. We consider our project to be unique on the market, idea of StreamDesk is interesting and people like it and we are sure that it is a really useful service for the community! Soon we are launching the educational service that will increase crypto literacy of our community! And we are glad to inform that the Alpha version of the main service StreamDesk is going to be launched soon in this month that is earlier than we planned!
Maxim Smirnov
What is your opinion about the project?
Our idea is unique. There are no similar ideas on the crypto market. The p2p platform based on smart contracts will help to solve many problems on the crypto currency market. We are launching our service in the nearest time. I am a backend developer of StreamDesk platform. Also I integrate payment systems with StreamDesk.
Sergii Kolomiiets
What is your opinion about the project?
To my mind, project streamity-ico will be successful. Actual product + keen team = Magnificent result

Streamity Dernières nouvelles

$ 0.0031
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 128.094 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.3281
Circ. Supply:
41.327 M STM
ICO profit
X 0.0172
ICO Price~$0.1800

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

STREAMITY is a decentralized crypto currency exchange for block chain generation that  involve a wide range of services  and ensures full benefits from the crypto currency  market and development  while avoiding  the complications  and risks associated  from crypto currency  ownership and exchange.


  • Easy and comfortable services: The users  can   purchase the tokens  from any part of the world  without restrictions
  • Saves on costs: The platform enables  the exchange of fiat  easily  and profitable compared to the other exchanges  markets and services due to the fixed rates, low commissions  and no hidden fees
  • Security: The smart contract  within the system  ensures full transparency of money exchange between the seller and the buyer .This is also backed up by the crypto currency convertor
  • The use of Streamity token(STM)  based on its internal currency ensures that any payment of  the services is only effected  after it has been  accepted by the SMT
  • Active team:  The team is well coordinated  and full of highly professional developers  ensuring easy spread of the project ideas
  • The know Your Client (KYC) policy built on the system enables full  protection of the project  leading to an increased customers trust


  • The platform  white paper  has not fully highlighted  the usage of the fiat exchange  on the Stream Desk
  • The token pre-sale is not indicated for the  test of its usability
  • Fewer advisory team on the project platform progress


  • Add more advisory team to ensure full implementation of the project
  • Highlight the fiat exchange  on the Stream Desk
Lire la suite

The idea is pretty good, since the market still needs a cryptocurrency exchange that could be fast, secure, reliable, cheap, and independent from third parties. Though the project is still in its beginning, it seems that Streamity has all the necessary ingredients to bring it to success – a good idea, inspired team, clear whitepaper, and desire to make the cryptocurrency market a bit better and more comfortable. Anyway, don’t forget about other ICOs trying to achieve the same goal, because this project is not the first attempt to improve cryptocurrency exchanges.

Yet another attempt to resolve old shortcomings of today’s cryptocurrency exchanges – slow and expensive transactions, and necessity to include third parties in the processes. Add here a pleasant bonus in the form of free informational portal for the community and you’ll get the picture of Streamity.

Lire la suite

It’s true that there are many crypto exchanges in the market today, but Streamity is different because it is prioritizing security and decentralization above everything else. Plus, if Streamity’s StreamDesk really does what it promises on paper, then this project is destined to be successful.

The crypto investors of today are seriously looking for an exchange that’ll give them the best in terms of trading insights—well, that is what Streamity is promising.

After going through the project’s white paper, we can see that all project-specific information is given transparently. If you’re looking to invest in a good ICO project, this may be one. However, we advise you to visit the project’s website and run your due diligence before joining the sale.

Lire la suite

The Streamity project appears to be an earnest attempt at establishing a fully decentralized exchange, and is backed up by a team with significant experience in forward-leaning tech startups. If you’re interested in the future of decentralized exchanges, Streamity is worth considering investing in.

Lire la suite
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