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SpurDEx is the first Decentralized Exchange built for Africa by Africans but with a world class touch! It's a first of it's kind Cross-chain, multifunction Dex designed to showcase Africa's prowess and regain her pride and trust.
Les données ne sont pas disponibles
To be announced
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
ICO 47% (0.45% allocated, 46.55% not allocated burnt up)
IDO 5% Initial dex offering
Listing 15% (0.2% after every 365 days)
Staking Reward 13%
Ecosystem 10%
Team's Share 10% (Ecosystem and Teams share shall be locked)
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Échange


SpurDex is the first Decentralized Exchange built by Africans with a world class touch for Africa, developing countries and the world at large.

A first of its kind Cross-chain, multifunction Dex designed to showcase Africa's prowess and regain her pride and trust.

SpurDex is the first Automatic Market Maker (AMM) DEx on the Credit Smart Chain Network to provide a great trading experience for Credit Smart Chain projects and users in the DeFi Space.

With our Cross-Chain AMM DEx, we are building a bridge that connects SpurDex to multi chains, beginning with Credit Smart Chain and BSC network. This makes it possible for users to trade, stake, farm and provide liquidity for tokens on BSC, CSC, ETH and other popular Networks.


Swap crypto tokens instantly: You do not need to register or create any account. Just connect your wallet and you are good to go
SpurDEx is the Premiere Multi Chain Decentralized Exchange on the Credit Smart Chain Network with an easy to use platform for everyday users.

Low Fees
SpurDex primarily runs on Credit Smart Chain network, a blockchain with almost zero transaction fee than every other pioneer Blockchains.

And with SpurDex trading fees that are much lower than most popular decentralized exchanges, it becomes a dual benefit to all who use SpurDex.

Unlike most centralized exchanges that hold your funds when you trade, SpurDEx allows you 100% ownership of your funds while you instantly trade directly from your external wallets.

You earn SPDX and other tokens with enormous interest rates for free.

Earn tokens with Syrup Pools
Simply stake SPDX to earn free tokens. $SPDX holders who staked $SPDX earn tens of millions of USD worth of free tokens from major projects that join our platform.

Earn SPDX with Yield Farms
Stake LP tokens and earn SPDX.

Flexible : 35% APY
Fixed:. 120% APY.

Earn Trading Fees
You can also earn from Trading fees when you contribute or stake your token in Liquidity Pool (LPs), even if you did not stake SPDX with yield farming or your trading pair is not supported on the farm page.

Trading Fees
Trading Fees: 0.2%
LP Providers: 70%
Ecosystem: 30%

SPURDEX Dernières nouvelles

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  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
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