Created using Figma
Building a vibrant ecosystem that rewards you 80,000% for holding!
Les données ne sont pas disponibles
To be announced
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
90% Liquidity 10% Marketing and Development
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories


Help Snowman DAO create a Winter Wonderland and earn TIME just for holding SNOWMAN!

Haven’t heard of Wonderland Money or TIME? Wonderland is a decentralized reserve currency on the Avalanche Network. It’s native token is TIME and each TIME token is backed by a basket of assets such as MIM, TIME-AVAX LP Tokens, etc.. This TIME gives Wonderland’s treasury an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. Wonderland also introduces economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.

Snowman DAO turns Wonderland Money into a Winter Wonderland. We want to help you earn more TIME and generate 82,773.4% just for holding SNOWMAN!

% name% roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Development and deployment of smart contract
    Website Creation
    Stealth Launch
    Initiate marketing and growth strategy
  • Phase 2

  • Start rewards yield for initial holders in $TIME
    Continue with marketing strategy to reach 100,000 Snowman holders
    Listing on small exchanges and portfolio trackers
    Build Staking option to stake $SNOWMAN
    Contract Audit
  • Phase 3

  • Major Exchange listings
    Community growth hacking to grow to 1,000,000 Snowman holders
    Monthly competitions with SNOWMAN rewards for those creating value for the ecosystem and bringing awareness.


Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Nathan Misner
non vérifié
Reggie Escobar
non vérifié

SNOWMAN DAO Dernières nouvelles

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  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
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