Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

Created using Figma
SHUSKY is a deflationary ERC-20 token with solid tokenomics, a vibrant ecosystem, great community, and a good cause behind it.
To be announced
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Sur Siberian Husky

SHUSKY was created as part of the meme token hype. The community has picked the project back up and has worked hard on the revival of this token.

We believe that, just like Siberian Huskies all around the world, we deserve a second chance and a safe environment.

Its deflationary nature, along with the potential for growth as part of a future ecosystem is what brought several community members to take an active role on making SHUSKY develop its full potential.


Community Driven

No central authority. No contract owner.

Token Reflection

2% Transaction redistribution to all holders

50% Burned

50% to Vitalik Buterin

50% Locked

50% locked as liquidity

Siberian Husky Dernières nouvelles

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