Dernière mise à jour
23 janv. 2022
Quanta Networks has an unconventional approach to telecommunications. We are creating a better network, with new networking mechanics, easily integrated into current networking systems.
We do not invest in bandwidth but enable devices to form a communication network by themselves using their own available bandwidth. Quanta establishes “facility free” connections providing for faster services, better privacy and higher security. Dynamic Quanta's dynamic route selection is determined by latency. Communications are always routed through the fastest secure path across the network.
Quanta's ground-breaking model improves the flow of network traffic as it allows data to travel using the fastest available path. Scalable The Quanta Network possesses unlimited address space capable of meeting future requirements for IoT, Mobile and Quantum Computing. Quanta Packet Protocol is technology agnostic and can utilize IR, UHF, Bluetooth, WI-FI, Ethernet, 3G/4G/5G cellular, satellite or any other current or future communications standard. Compatible The Quanta Network is fully compatible and interoperable with legacy communications technologies (IPv4/IPv6) and is fully programmable, capable of seamlessly integrating with specialized networking applications and all other foreseeable future networking technologies.Affordable Quanta Network customers would be willing to pay for more security, they do not have to. The Quanta Blockchain Network solution is designed to work with all existing, as well as future, technology hardware platforms. Quanta also does not require the purchasing of bandwidth as it currently optimizes underutilized bandwidth and pathways existing within the networks it creates. When using Quanta Network technology, the phones themselves become the network. Secure Quanta manages network paths both dynamically and asymmetrically.
By simultaneously controlling inbound and outbound routes, it creates 'cloaked' layers of communications within the network. This makes functional transitory data (i.e. DNS requests) resistant to packet sniffers, rendering critical assets and data invisible, impossible to locate. There is be no set path for the data to predictably travel through. SIM/eSim Based Anyone using a phone equipped with a SIM or eSim will be able to use a Quanta Blockchain Network. This means that Quanta's disruptive technology will be immediately available to be used in the Global marketplace. Having the Quanta Blockchain Network technology residing on the sim/eSim instead of the phones Operating system makes it easier to adapt our technology to the majority of the mobile devices in use in the global network ecosystem.
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