World Blockchain Forum: Security Tokens


This is the Worlds forum that brings together visionary leaders, economic pioneers and enterprising investors around the world to discuss the financial world at Keynote’s newest and most exclusive event. Following the success of the conferences held in Dubai, London, Amsterdam, Miami, Chicago and Los Angeles the involved executives desire has driven them to travel to New York to discuss the bright future of Bitcoin and Blockchain. This is scheduled to take place between 11th -13th June  2018 at the Metropolitan West  which is Manhattan’s new frontier for  special events  and has established itself as a venue  where innovation  and  value  for a wide variety of events. The two days of the conference are vital as the involved speakers will elaborate on the innovative possibilities of blockchain and disruptive technologies, provide an introduction to the securities and looks at the transformative impacts of crypto currencies on the global finance landscape

The use of blockchain technology has created improvements in various sectors across the world due to its efficiency in the service delivery as manifested in the different project as VISA, CITI and NASDAQ has invested many millions in implementing the technology   hence attracting many entrepreneurs. Bitcoin on the other hand is clearly making waves in both media and financial world promoting its recognition by the government regulators and online retailers

The conference will feature  leading CEOs, ICO experts ,founders, innovators  and investors in the blockchain  and cryptocurrency space  all in locations  that are not only known for their destination but  for their leading roles in shaping the future of the World

The  prominent speakers of the event will  include: Alex Mashinsky (Founder and CEO, Celsius),Bruce Fenton( Founder and CEO, Chainstone Labs), Salil Donde(CEO, AlphaPoint),Nick Spanos(Co-founder Trevor Koverko( CEO,Polymath),Venessa Grellet(Executive Director ConsenSys),Halsey Minor(Founder, NET),Oliver Gale(Executive Director,Bitt),Dawn Newton(COO Netki),Veronica McGregor, Paul Puey(CEO, Edge),Jason King(Co-founder, Academy) Gabriel Abed(Chairman, Bitt)  and many other

This involved team makes the event very important in creating more awareness on the users to understand the need of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.