Italian Affiliate EXPO 2019


«Thank you so much for coming and making all this possible»

Rome, 05/03/2019

Only six months after the first edition, Affiliate EXPO achieved another success. 700 people went to Rome on March 29th-30th-31rs 2019 for the second edition of Italian Affiliate EXPO. The event official hashtag #affexpo brought Affiliate Marketing to the forefront. Also this year Adriano De Arcangelis, Mattia Scattolin and Daniele Butturini managed to gather the Italian and internacional excellences of the Affiliate in an only room.

Last Saturday, March 30th 2019, the second edition of Affiliate EXPO was officially inaugurated with the shout «Goodbye secrets and good invoicing to everybody» in the Affiliate Temple of the Mercure Roma West, in Rome. This year the news was the Affiliate Awards. The winners are Davide Bellomi as Best Affiliate, Worldfilia as Best Affiliate Network, Luca Borreani for The Best Creative Campaign and Giovanni Sciarrino as Best Account Manager.

During this three days, Affiliate Marketing was discussed in all its aspects: Facebook and Google ADS campaigns, SEO and landing page optimization, the creation of the angles and the elements of a creative copy, and much more, always with the keywords mindset and strategy. The organizers inform that HD video of the speeches can be purchased directly from the website and can be viewed from any device, whenever desired. The sale is open to everyone.

Valerio Novelli,, has advised experts and novices on the steps to follow to create, launch and scale a campaign: «Affiliate Marketing: where and how to start?» . On the same wavelength, Cristian Sannino, Founder of Affiliate Intensive, has shared his patented 10x Method and Davide Bellomi, Affiliate Factory, has told about his Vikings Method. In the two round tables, on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31rt, discussions were held about Dating and the Nutra Affiliate Network, bringing the debate between affiliates into the event program, with concrete examples and case studies, including failures too. In the end, Francesco Cacciola, as expert affiliate lawyer, has warned about the most frequently committed legal mistakes. But the Speakers have also looked to the future, with the development perspectives anticipated by Angelo Laudati, Google ADS Specialist, and Joe di Siena, Launch Manager: previews of the Youtube and Facebook news for the world of online affiliations.

At the event, the training was combined with fun, with the Affiliate GP, a Go-Kart race track, and with two gala dinners and parties, because every circumstance is good for networking and establishing collaborations -this is the Affiliate EXPO team philosophy. The organizers has spoken to the Sponsors, Media Partners, Speakers and Participants in this way: «Thank you so much for coming and making all this possible». With 700 people -youngs and youngers, experts and novices- including last-minute entries, Adriano de Arcangelis, Mattia Scattolin and Daniele Butturini are preparing to make Affiliate EXPO 2020 even bigger.