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Le jeton PlusCoin est un paquet de 3300 PlusCoin. Les jetons sont achetés pour plusieurs raisons. Quelqu'un peut l'acheter pour obtenir des avantages financiers en faisant du commerce. Quelqu'un peut l'acheter pour un usage quotidien (boutique en ligne dans l'application, magasins de nos partenaires, échanges etc.). Les jetons peuvent être achetés par des entreprises partenaires pour coopérer avec les utilisateurs de DS Plus. En outre, il y a des gens qui croient en l'idée des technologies de blockchain et des jetons d'achat juste pour soutenir le projet.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • Token.Store
    PLC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 11.21
  • ForkDelta
    PLC/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 1.71E-6
  • TokenJar
    PLC/WETH 5 one year ago
  • BiteBTC
    PLC/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
  • BiteBTC
    PLC/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
  • Coinsbit
    PLC/USD 5 one year ago
  • Coinsbit
    PLC/ETH 5 one year ago
  • Coinsbit
    PLC/BTC 5 one year ago
  • P2B
    PLC/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 27.00
    $ 91.922 K
  • P2B
    PLC/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 15.20
    $ 57.496 K
  • Exrates
    PLC/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 12.00
    $ 107.555 K
  • Everbloom
    PLC/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 1.210571574887E-6
  • Tidex
  • Tidex
  • Cryptopia
  • Cryptopia
  • Cryptopia
  • CoinEgg
  • Bitforex
  • Bitforex
  • Liquid (Quoine)
  • Liquid (Quoine)
  • Liquid (Quoine)
  • TopBTC
  • Exrates
  • Exrates
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • Bitforex
10 sept. 2017
31 déc. 2017
100% terminé
$4 792 435
2.7 K
100% objectif terminé
10 sept. 2017
10 nov. 2017
100% terminé
$3 265 506
2.7 K
100% objectif terminé
  • 1 PLC
    13 USD
Détails du jeton
Devises Acceptées
Détails de l'entreprise
Pays enregistré
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories
Plate-forme, Crypto-monnaie


Mobile marketing becomes a more important part of advertising with every passing year: Native mobile marketing platforms that attract and retain clients are being developed at a tremendous rate, and new social and information technologies are constantly being developed. DS PLUS has existed for little more than a year and has already become a strong player in the mobile marketing and lead generation industry. The DS Plus platform is built to entice people to make purchases and take advantage of services offered by sellers who are ready to show loyalty to their customers.

We refer to the merchants on the DS PLUS system as “partners.” As of the current moment, we have 1,496 partners and our system is in operation at 8,027 locations throughout Russia and in parts of Europe. These numbers are growing by the day (fig. 1: DS PLUS partner locations). Our partners include both regional companies (such as the “Absolut” supermarket chain) and major multinational retailers (such as X5 Retail Group, McDonald’s, and KFC).

Users conduct transactions with our partners on a daily basis. Each day, the userbase increases by an average of 250 people. When clients make purchases from DS PLUS partners using the platform, they receive discounts, as well as unique bonus points that can be exchanged for various gadgets, or for other goods and services. Very soon these bonus points will become a supported cryptocurrency, and our partners and users will be brought together in a common infrastructure. How? We shall answer all your  questions in what follows!

We are creating an independent tool facilitating the distribution of crypto-cashback1, for use by our partners.

What is the state of cashback as a tool today? There are several services within the ecommerce market that successfully facilitate the return of a certain percentage of the purchase price when purchases are made from major online retailers. But using these services involves a series of operations that are quite complicated for the average purchaser, and the latter sometimes has to wait as long as two months before the cashback arrives; in addition, the cashback reward must then then be shared with the service that provided it. In offline retail, cashback is a prerogative of the banks. Cashback is paid a month later, and in the majority of cases the reward amounts to only 1-2% of the purchase price. There are, of course, a number of bank partners who pay as much as 15% to the user, but this usually involves retailers that do not cause particular interest to the average consumer, or else one-off promotions in the form of a large reward for an initial purchase.

Our goal is to encourage the maximum possible number of users and partners to use cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. This will be achieved through the instant payment of our cryptocurrency as cashback on purchases from our partners. To achieve our goal, it is not enough just to pay out the cryptocurrency, therefore we are also developing additional services based on the Ethereum blockchain, which will support the exchange and sale of our cryptocurrency. Together, these services will form an infrastructure that can be used to develop the sector as a whole.

We plan to use 50% of the funds raised from the initial distribution of PlusCoin to support marketing, which in its turn will ensure a steady growth in the number of partners and users together with a smooth but consistent growth in the value of - and demand for - PlusCoin. Popularizing PlusCoin will also mean increasing the number of partners that accept it as a means of payment for their goods and services.

The immediate tasks to which the DS PLUS team is setting itself include attracting as many users as possible to the cryptocurrency, expanding the list of regions where PlusCoin is used, and, within each region, extending the list of partners who accept PlusCoin as payment for goods and services.


La plate-forme DS PLUS dessert des milliers d'entreprises de détail en motiver les utilisateurs à acheter chez eux. Les utilisateurs sont motivés par récompenses dans PlusCoin, la monnaie crypto interne, qui pourrait être utilisé pour acheter des biens et des services auprès d'entreprises magasin en ligne de la plate-forme.

Info technique

Détails techniques: & nbsp; PlusCoin est un jeton ERC20 standard émis sur Ethereum blockchain, héritant de toutes les caractéristiques communes de Ethereum main réseau. Gagner PlusCoin via l'exploration n'est pas pris en charge. Au fin de l'ICO la fourniture de jetons sera fixée et ne sera pas modifiée après. Les détails de la spécification de jeton seront mis à jour le Github. Le code source: & nbsp; Le code est disponible sur Github: Preuve du développeur: & nbsp; Équipe publique

% name% roadmap

  • 09/2017 - ICO

  • 11/2017 - Succursales

  • 11/2017 - Bourse

  • 12/2017 - Marché

  • Lire la suite
  • 01/2018 - P2P

  • 02/2018 - Bestchange intégré

  • 03/2018 - Cryptoscoring

  • 05/2018 - Crédit P2P


Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe


$8 057 941

Mikhail Mikhailov
CEO and founder
non vérifié
Arkadii Obolkin
non vérifié
Yuri Mamonov
non vérifié
Cristina Galkina
non vérifié
Leonid Chernigov
product manager
non vérifié


$8 057 941

Nikita Arsentiev
UX/UI Designer
non vérifié


$8 057 941

Denis Golub
non vérifié


$8 057 941

Vugar Pashadjanov
Finance consultant
non vérifié


Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe


$13 170 000

Sergei Sergienko
Advisor, co-founder of Chronobank
non vérifié
Alexey Zarya
non vérifié


$21 068 356

Aleksandr Minakov
non vérifié

12 ICOs

$21 218 786

Alex Linenko
non vérifié


$64 557 941

Simone Giacomelly
Advisor, founder at Velpem
non vérifié

PLUSCOIN Dernières nouvelles

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