

Created using Figma
Launch your own community-driven NFT Pineapple baked with social tools, media services, and distribution - underpinned by the native $ Pineapple token.
Les données ne sont pas disponibles
To be announced
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
Dev team :20% -lock a year
Marketing :20%- lock a year
Technical team :9%- lock a year
Presale: 30%
Liquidity: 21%
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories

Sur Pineapple

Meta: To create a system that doesn’t live off the backs of artists and creates a sustainable ecosystem for artists and fans alike. The Pineapple is forever expanding at an accelerated rate, all while the PineappleDAO controls the future and the fate of this project. Starting with an array of tools and a mission to empower artists, with a DAO that will be governed by the $ Pineapple token and its community. PineappleDAO will be guided by the stars and the carbon that surrounds them as we travel into the cosmic unknowns.


NFT Social Network

With the rise of decentralization and blockchain technologies, the community needs a decentralized social forum where they can communicate NFT ideas within the guidelines voted on by the community.

DAO and Governance

PineappleDAO is intent on leading the way in the adoption of new approaches, technologies, and standards that have been proven superior to the established way of doing things.

Media Protocols

A meeting place where fans and artists can meet and discover new ways a decentralized community can support and interact with their favorite WEB3 media protocols.

NFT Marketplace

An NFT marketplace that is completely decentralized and rigged with multiple open source tools and features.


Creating a decentralized NFT launch system that is made by artists for artists.


Games built with WEB3 at their forefront, not added in as an afterthought.

Pineapple Dernières nouvelles

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  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
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