Peerless meta

Peerless meta

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Peerlessmeta is an innovation capable of generating high ROI by relying on the ready market of crypto and players and exploiting the growth that lies in this market.
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Sur Peerless meta

Our system combines the uniqueness of its fighting game with the development of crypto to achieve remarkable success.

We are certain that the market is ready to embrace this development.

Peerlessmeta will produce a more user-friendly fighting game with outstanding features, offering investors unique and rewarding chances. We go beyond the game to provide even more prospects; as a result, our platform spans the entire spectrum of investments beginning with the launching.

% name% roadmap

  • Website development
    Token creation
    Token lock away
    Coin listing perparing
    NFT collectible
    This is the preparatory stage of the Peerlesmeta system. Here we focus extensively on the website development and token and NFT creation. We're far ahead with the crypto creation. There are plans to follow that up with website development and other necessary steps in phase 1.
  • Successful selling of our NET
    Website beta launch for PM coin
    Full website launch Social media accounts launch Coin listed
    Game developing and launch
    Phase 2 represents the acting stage where everything is already in place. The Peerlessmeta coin will be listed, and the Peerless Meta Heroes will be launched along with the full website. Also, our various social media accounts will be active, so we can interact with our community.
  • Blockchain development
    Price stability protocols
    More marketing strategies for popularity
    Game features improved to meet up with necessary demands
    Adding more project to the blockchain, fully utlizing PM coin giving it more value
    We plan to follow the launching and adoption with more features that keep us at the top of the game. The Peerless Meta Heroes will remain one of the most sought-after games in the industry. We will reach more people as we expand the brand and our plans to capture even more developments. Also, the Blockchain will be made available as we progress with the business. With that, our system can experience high multi-chain interoperability and swift transactions.

Peerless meta Équipe

Vérifié 0%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Founder / Project Manager
non vérifié
Kyle Zhu
Founder / Lead Developer
non vérifié


Economic Advisor/Marketing

Peerless meta Dernières nouvelles

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