Paraguay's Bitcoin Mining Industry Faces Crisis Over Electricity Rate Hike

4 juillet 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Recent developments in Paraguay have thrust the country's Bitcoin mining industry into turmoil, as the newly formed Paraguayan Chamber of Digital Asset Mining (Capamad) warns of severe economic repercussions from proposed electricity rate hikes.

Capamad asserts that the National Electricity Administration (ANDE)'s decision to increase electricity rates for industrial miners by 13% to 16% will devastate the sector. They estimate potential economic injections of up to $1.5 billion into Paraguay's economy by year-end from Bitcoin mining, but fear these gains will be lost due to the rate hike.

Moreover, Capamad predicts direct job losses for approximately 1,170 people in the mining industry, with additional indirect job losses looming large.

The chamber argues that the rate hike threatens the very presence of the Bitcoin mining sector in Paraguay, citing increased operational costs that could render many players economically unviable. This, they claim, will not only undermine the industry's sustainability but also erode confidence in the country's economic policies and leadership.

ANDE justifies its rate increase as necessary to prevent strain on the electricity grid amid rising mining operations and ongoing efforts to combat illegal mining activities. The administration has already confiscated thousands of ASIC mining rigs in collaboration with law enforcement agencies.

Capamad urges ANDE to reconsider its decision, proposing that surplus hydroelectric power be sold to Bitcoin miners rather than redirecting it to neighboring countries like Brazil and Argentina. They argue that such sales generate less revenue compared to catering to the mining industry, which has bolstered Paraguay's economic standing in the technology sector.

Despite the current challenges, Capamad remains optimistic about Paraguay's potential to attract global investors. They believe that reversing the rate hike decision could restore investor confidence and reaffirm Paraguay's position as a favorable destination for technological innovation and economic growth.

The debate over electricity rates for Bitcoin miners in Paraguay underscores broader issues surrounding cryptocurrency regulation and economic policy. As stakeholders continue to navigate these challenges, the outcome will significantly impact not only the local mining industry but also Paraguay's attractiveness as an investment hub in the global digital economy.