Drama Unfolds as Binance Executive Collapses in Nigerian Court Amid Money Laundering Trial

24 mai 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In a courtroom spectacle that stunned onlookers, Tigran Gambaryan, a detained executive of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, collapsed during his ongoing money laundering trial at the Federal High Court in Abuja on May 23. The dramatic incident occurred shortly after the proceedings commenced, casting a shadow over the trial and raising questions about Gambaryan's health and the future trajectory of the case.

Dramatic Collapse During Trial

The courtroom drama unfolded as Gambaryan, accompanied by his lawyer, failed to proceed to the dock when the case was called. Instead, he collapsed en route, necessitating urgent medical attention. His lawyer informed the court of Gambaryan's deteriorating health and submitted a written application citing his condition.

Since February, Gambaryan has reportedly battled worsening health issues, culminating in his collapse during the trial. A letter presented to Judge Emeka Nwite detailed Gambaryan's recent health struggles, including a previous day's hospitalization for malaria treatment, which also led to his absence from a tax evasion trial.

Adjournment and Legal Proceedings

In light of Gambaryan's condition, Judge Nwite ruled that he should receive medical treatment at a designated hospital. Consequently, the trial has been adjourned to June 20 and 21 to accommodate Gambaryan's medical needs, adding a layer of uncertainty to the legal proceedings.

The case against Gambaryan and his co-defendant, Nadeem Anjarwalla, has attracted significant attention, particularly amidst Nigeria's economic challenges. Binance and other cryptocurrency platforms have faced accusations of exacerbating the country's currency woes, amplifying the scrutiny surrounding the trial.

Tax Evasion Charges and Procedural Hurdles

In addition to money laundering charges, Gambaryan and Binance Holdings Limited face tax evasion allegations filed by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). However, Gambaryan's absence from a scheduled arraignment session underscored procedural issues, prompting legal debates over his federal custody status and the necessity for his presence in court.

Meanwhile, Anjarwalla's continued involvement in the case, despite his escape from custody, poses additional complexities. As Nigerian law mandates the service of all parties for legal proceedings to proceed, Anjarwalla's status could potentially hinder the trial's progression.


The collapse of Tigran Gambaryan during his money laundering trial has injected further uncertainty into a case already rife with legal complexities and controversies. As stakeholders await the resumption of proceedings in June, the outcome of this high-profile trial could have far-reaching implications for both Binance and Nigeria's cryptocurrency landscape.