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Dernière mise à jour

14 sept. 2018

Le réseau nDEX fonctionne sur une plate-forme triangulaire; Le premier est nDEX Market, Blockroll et nExbit.
  • Marché
    Volume 24H
    24H (prix)
    24H (volume)
  • Mercatox
    NDX/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0004
  • Hotbit
    NDX/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 1.24E-6
    $ 342.28
  • Raisex
    NDX/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
  • SatoExchange
    NDX/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    NDX/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 5.389216178637E-6
    $ 49.71
    NDX/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.0007
  • Raisex
    NDX/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 4.8972524838492E-5
  • Newdex
    NDX/EOS 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0012
    $ 4.786 K
  • Mercatox
    NDX/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 7.618108421606E-6
    $ 209.78
10 août 2018
30 sept. 2018
100% terminé
$216 000
6.1 K
49% objectif terminé
objectif 440 000.00 USD
  • 1 NDX
    0.000004 USD
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
Total nDEX(NDX): 15,000,000,000 NDX
Number of tokens for sale : 12,000,000,000 NDX (80%)
Tokens for airdrop & community building: 1,000,000,000 NDX (6.66%)
Tokens for team & nDEX Network :2,000,000,000 NDX (13.33%)
(50% Stored in a secure wallet till Nov 2019.)
Tokens for Pre-Sale: 4,800,000,000 NDX (40% from total tokens for sale, 55% sold out)
Devises Acceptées
Contribution min.
Bonus Structure
A flash bonus offer is going on: If any one purchase more than 0.1 ETH will get a 50% bonus.
Détails supplémentaires
MVP / Prototype
Les catégories

Sur nDEX

nDEX Network is a blockchian business development platform.

nDEX Market is a next generation decentralized ethereum token exchange & nDEX Network's first completed project.

The blockchain technology continues on its run of universal wide adoption. Many projects continue to surface on the platform with variety of use cases, from technology, freelance market places, real estate, to payment gateways. The use cases offer by most of these projects however do not have much significant impact on the end users of the technology, especially fun — wise.

nDEX Network is a blockchain development start up that that seeks to provide for the entire blockchain community, robust exchange platforms both centralized and decentralized to give the community a mixed sensation of both centralized and decentralized trading experience while at the same time providing a fun-enabled platform where users get to showcase their gaming skills and catch immense fun. The platform operates on a triangular platform; first is nDEX Market, Blockroll and nExbit.
nDEX Market is a decentralized Ethereum tokens exchange developed to offer users security, speed and flexibility of decentralized trading platform. By design, nDEX Market is similar and operates like the conventional ***deltas, but comes with a more speed of transaction, security and a friendly user interface (UI). (https://ndex.market)


BlockRoll is an Ethereum smart contract based dice game platform (https://blockroll.fun). The platform is set to offer nDEX community a decentralized dice gaming experience, with the web and app (google play) version of the platform nearing completion (75% completed) and expected to launch by the end of October, the entire community are on a fun-filled journey that would revolutionize peer — to — peer dice gaming.

nEXBit is a centralized full scale crypto currency exchange which will run alongside nDEX Market the sister exchange on the nDEX network. The exchange which is still under development will have its beta released by November and official launch by December.

Aside the unmatched trading and gaming experience offered by the nDEX platform, holders of NDX are rewarded for holding the token as 30% of all profits made from each platform goes to the reward pool and shared among holders. More of the reason why it is a wise decision to be part of this project and invest in the ongoing token sale.

Cryptocurrencies became an increasingly popular solution to meet the requirements of the Digital Economy.The Digital Economy is growing. The Digital Economy is the economic activity based on digital technologies. These developments spur the growth of the Digital Economy. Currently, the Digital Economy is the primary driver for the world's economic growth.The rapid growth of the Digital Economy increased the demand for on-line payments. As such, blockchan technology became an increasingly popular solution to meet the requirements of the Digital Economy.

nDEX Network will make this blockchain technology more usable for mass people. nDEX Network already aimed to build 3 popular category projects. nDEX Network will put a flag on blockchain flag-pool.

nDEX Network does not aimed to get profit from ITO/ICO. Our core ambition is to deliver potential blockchain products.

Before invest please check our exchange nDexMarket


1. Projet basé sur la chaine de blocs complète

2. Utilisation de la technologie blockchain Ethereum robuste

2. Une équipe dédiée expérimentée. Une équipe complète

3. Le premier produit est opérationnel et gagne beaucoup en traction par les autres projets qui sont livrés avant la fin de l’ITO. Jetez un coup d'œil sur: Marché nDEX

4. Jeton très compétitif (0.0000002 ETH / 1 NDX)

5. Trois produits dans un ITO

6. Un véritable scénario d'écosystème de jetons, Jetez un coup d'oeil ici

7. Option d'échange de partage principal (jeton de sécurité ERC721) avec NDX: TBA

8. Bénéfice à vie découlant de la détention d’actions: à déterminer

9. Très bas Hard Cap seulement 1100 ETH. Près de 70% du plafond a déjà été atteint.

10. Un fort soutien de la communauté, plus de 10 000 membres

Info technique

Technologie de base: Ethereum Blockchain

Langue: Solidity, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Ruby, HTML & amp; quelques autres

Smart Contract: code standard ERC20 vérifié

Plate-forme: NodeJS, Docker, PostgresDB, Redis, Ruby Server & amp; EVM

Sécurité: tous les produits hébergés sur un VPS / Cloud dédié avec cryptage SSL

% name% roadmap

  • 2017 Genesis

  • Idea, core plan was to build a DEX.
  • Q1 2018

  • Team build up and idea expand. nDEX Network was born.
  • June, Q2 2018

  • Start 1st project nDEX Market design. TGE for NDX completed , airdrop and donation collection initiated.
  • June, Q2 2018

  • Donation stage is over. Pre-Sale initiated. Partnership for the future Ecosystem.
  • Lire la suite
  • August, Q3 2018

  • Decentralized Exchange nDEX Market (DEX) for nDEX Network release. Start working on BlockRoll. Pre-Sale finished. ITO starts
  • September, Q3 2018

  • DEX upgraded, ITO finished. BlockRoll beta release
  • October, Q4 2018

  • Whitepaper v2 published. Main NDX distribution complete (investors, airdrop and bounty hunters).Unsold token will be burned. NDX will be listed on several exchanges.
  • November, Q4 2018

  • nEXBit beta release & BlockRoll goes live. Campaign for better liquidity in DEX. nEXBit beta release.
  • Q1 2019

  • nDEX Market, BlockRoll & nEXBit all operational. nDEX ecosystem run. Issue limited $NDT ERC721 security token for share sale (Only exchangeable Buy/Sell with $NDX. Maximum 200k $NDT will be issued.)

nDEX Équipe

Vérifié 20%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Mafroja Akter Tania
Head Public Relation & Web Designer
non vérifié
Samuel Anjorin
Developer, Frontend
non vérifié


$216 000

Ahmed Rasheed
Manager, Community & Marketing
non vérifié
Busayo Ogungbayi
Manager, Business Development
non vérifié
Tanvir Rahaman

nDEX Entretiens

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CEO of nDEX Network. Basically nDEX Market is product of nDEX Network which is a Blockchain Business Development Platform. We will conduct ITO for nDEX Network.

nDEX Dernières nouvelles

  • En raison des différences temporelles dans les mises à jour des informations, des informations précises sur chaque projet ICO doivent être vérifiées sur son site web officiel ou via un autre canal de communication.
  • Cette information n'est pas une suggestion ou un conseil pour investir dans un financement ICO. Veuillez examiner vous-même les informations pertinentes et décider de la participation de l’OIC.
  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
Veuillez lire la clause de non-responsabilité et l'avertissement de risque. Afficher l'avertissement et l'avertissement de risque.