

Created using Figma
MoBTC is the other Mother of Bitcoin and all other meme coins whose 3 major lessons in life will teach you how to be extremely successful and rich in life.
To be announced
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
For every transaction, there's a fee of 13% (5% Reflection, 5% Burn and 3% Marketing). Moreover, for sells/transfers: an additional 3% will be burned
Détails supplémentaires
Les catégories

Sur MotherBTC


MoBTC plans to launch an 1-NFT exchange which introduces the constructing, buying, selling, and escrowed peer-to-peer swapping of NFTs, as well as NFT farming, allowing users to stake idle tokens from a variety of projects in order to earn exclusive utility-based or collectible NFTs, bringing added benefits to both end-users and project developers. The difference is that only 1 single copy of any piece of art can be sold here. No replicas or numbered prints are allowed thus creating a marketplace for unique one of a kind pieces.


If you want something to be of value, you’ve got to make it rare. BTC has 21 million coins. MoBTC has 21,000 tokens and we burned 10% and no more will ever be minted in this smart contract making it a true store of value currency.


Make your money earn money (especially when you sleep) with Mindless Mining - if you HODL $MoBTC you will earn 5% on ALL transactions via our Mindless Mining protocol, which distributes back proportionally to all HODLERs


Andy Warhol once said, “Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” - We plan on attracting rare artists to create one of a kind pieces for our NFT site





Reflection 5% 5% Burn 5% 8% Marketing 3% 3%

% name% roadmap

  • Launch social media sites to start generating heat.
    Twitter, telegram, Github, Reddit, IG, FB and more!
  • Launch token website
    Apply for listing on Coinmarketcap
    Apply for listing on Coingecko and other major listings
  • Marketing and Social Media campaigns
    Including ad buys and influencer campaigns
    Build MoBTC wallet app for IOS, Android and Web
    Blockfolio listing
  • NFT Platform
    Present MoBTC true store of value tokenomics at major blockchain conferences

MotherBTC Dernières nouvelles

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