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2 avr. 2021

Last year we saw tremendous growth in Ethereum for projects in the decentralized financial ecosystem, including Uniswap, Sushiswap, Aave, Curve, Compound, Yearn, and others. The Mofi team believes it is a key piece of the puzzle missing from the current basis: it's a DeFi hub specifically for collateralized tokens.

These can be LP tokens, tokens that earn returns on projects such as yield-earning, and even newly emerging Bond tokens.
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To be announced
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Token Distribution: 04/31/2021
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Sur Mofi

Last year we saw tremendous growth in Ethereum for projects in the decentralized financial ecosystem, including Uniswap, Sushiswap, Aave, Curve, Compound, Yearn, and others. The Mofi team believes it is a key piece of the puzzle missing from the current basis: it's a DeFi hub specifically for collateralized tokens.

These can be LP tokens, tokens that earn returns on projects such as yield-earning, and even newly emerging Bond tokens.

Mofi thinks that these successes will be passed on to Binance smart chain with Bnb and it carries out its work on the binance smart chain.


MOFI; Creating a DeFi platform that aims to work, including services such as yield-earning, MOFI Swap, MOFI NFT platform and Mofi Starter, this will be a first in defi.


MOFISwap allows users to be Liquidity Provider, Farming, Staking, Exchange, Bridging Assets across chains.

MOFI NFT: You can add your own nft tokens to the nft tab and sell these nft tokens at auction or fixed price. The platform will add Mofi nft tokens as incentives and offer them for sale.

Mofi Starter: It aims to ensure that your ideas can find funds in a decentralized way.
Mofi Starter, which has been implemented in order to enable new projects to receive funding from decentralized and in cooperation with different networks, will help your project find funds through public or private sales.

Mofi Équipe

Vérifié 100%

Peter Morgan

Mofi Entretiens

Peter Morgan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the creator and masterchefi of the project. Our project was created on the BSC network, taking into account the rising gas fees.
What do you think about idea?
Gas fees have skyrocketed after the recent spikes in Ethereum. As a result, erc20 transfer fees sometimes reached $ 50. Additionally, transaction fees on uniswap started to grow to more than $ 100. realized these and aimed to give all the needs of people in a project. So he chose the BSC network and showed it to be user-friendly.

Mofi Dernières nouvelles

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