Metayoka Spice

Metayoka Spice

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SPICE is MetaYoka’s unlimited supply of game tokens, because all SPICE is produced by Yoka through P2E, so when the number of Yoka is determined, SPICE is limited.Upgrades and adventures and social breeding will consume $SPICE. You can earn $SPICE through planetary expeditions and planet guarding.
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Sur Metayoka Spice

A mutual game regulated by the market is formed between the NFT Liquidity Protocol and P2E, which solves the problem of insufficient NFT liquidity. It helps NFT market pricing, balances NFT output and Token output, makes $YOC and $SPICE healthier and more sustainable, and allows the entire ecosystem to continue to circulate.

The Yoka NFT Liquidity Protocol is provided by the game revenue. Anyone can exchange tokens by destroying Yoka NFT. When the NFT is burned, the floor price of the NFT will rise. When the new NFT is minted, the floor price of the NFT will decrease. While increasing the liquidity of NFT, it also maintains the deflation of NFT.

Metayoka Spice Dernières nouvelles

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