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Sur Lydium

Lydium is a digital seed developed for the growth of the agricultural economy. The agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors all over the world due to its impact on exports, providing raw materials and capital to other sectors. Currently, agricultural workers account for an average of 40% of the world's employment. Lydium is a digital finance and banking ecosystem developed to provide banking services such as receiving payments, making payments and using loans to millions of agricultural producers, agricultural workers and all other people who cannot benefit from banking services.

Lydium uses double-layer blockchain distribution technology running in parallel with the main chain to solve the scalability and efficiency issues of the blockchain. In this way, all transactions on the Lydium financial network are carried out more securely, faster and cost-free.

% name% roadmap

  • First concept and first management
    work organization and meeting

    Creation of the technical equipment
    and team of the project

    Market research and determining
    the needs of the industry

    Starting software development studies

    Planning and organization meetings of
    economic systems and structures

    Organisation of the marketing
    and legal team

    Preparing the legal and accounting
    solutions as well as the background
    for the token launch

    Start of the ICP

    Listing process on crypto
    stock exchanges

    Establishment of sustainable tokenization
    ecosystem with Lydium as currency and
    implementation of Lydium financial network

Lydium Dernières nouvelles

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