

Created using Figma
kepler452b is a fun meta-universe that aims to create a new and more intriguing world. The project was created by early DAO members and took a total of tens of months from inception to final shape. We were fortunate to be joined by very talented people during the process, such as our brilliant original illustrator. We designed an economic model for the project with $452b at its core, and it was tightly integrated with the 7452 NFTs that formed the initial cycle of the project, from which a variety of ways to play were derived.
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Sur Kepler452b

Due to unknown causes, a time-space distortion has dislocated The Kepler452b interstellar prison. In order to protect the lives of the prisoners, they prison guards planned a transfer. During the transfer a major riot occurred and prisoners were able to escape. According to statistics, more than 7452 prisoners have now escaped, including 3,000 SS-class important prisoners and 500 SSS-class interstellar felon. Which also includes some special interstellar prisoners.

Kepler452b Dernières nouvelles

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