Building a Universe: The Vision and Community of CyborgHorseClub

Building a Universe: The Vision and Community of CyborgHorseClub

Igor, the creator of the project - CyborgHorseClub, focuses on its unique features, community engagement, and long-term vision. This is the first PFPs NFT collection that was created thanks to AI. Believe it or not, this entire project was created exclusively on a mobile device, during the time of air raids and his stay in shelter. And yes, he's from Ukraine. This project is a mixture of creative and social community. They are still at the very beginning, since the project is only a year old, but they hope to realize all their plans and dreams.

Can you elaborate on the manual stages involved in the creation of each CyborgHorse?

I: Just like in the Bible, first there was the word.  And that word is AI.  At the very beginning, I was looking for an AI that would completely satisfy my requirements.  After a long search, I finally settled on one of the many that can work on a mobile device.  After this, we need a source for transformation, since this is an image transformation, and not creation from scratch.  After that, I use words to create the correct prom.  And then there are many hours of searching for a suitable result.  I'm not an idealist by nature, which is why some of the CyborgHorses have defects.

How do the unique characteristics like Strength, Speed, Intellect, Precision, and Degree of defects affect gameplay and interactions within the CyborgHorseClub

I: In the future, I plan to make a game on Discord.  In which, all these parameters will be of great importance in battles for survival between warring clans in the world of CyborgHorseClub.  Right now I’m developing a bot for this.  So in the future we will be waiting for exciting battles between Cyborg Horses. 

Are there any plans to introduce additional characteristics or evolve the existing ones?

I: No, since the project is based on an NFT collection, I will not be able to physically add new parameters, but believe me, we will have something to surprise you :)

How will the community contribute to the creation of the universe lore and the first AI-based digital comic book?

I: This is an open sandbox. You can come up with anything from the names of places to the most interesting plot twists.  And I, in turn, will watch and give direction to the story.  I can say it differently, I have point A (the beginning of the story) and point B (its end), otherwise what road will be from point A to point B is what the community will do.  Paving the way in the CyborgHorse universe.

What specific game elements will be introduced, and how will they impact the development paths (chronicler or warrior) available to players?

I: Each profession has an impact on the very plot of the development of the world of Cyborg Horses.  Some have more and some have less, but again, it's only limited by your imagination.  And the game mechanics will change from season to season, it all depends on what tasks we need to perform - fight or write history. 

Can you describe some of the events and activities planned to maintain a pleasant and kind atmosphere in the community?

I: Oh yes, there will be a huge number of them, we will have holidays from the CyborgHorse universe such as: Parade and the Rising Moonstrike, Flower Bombs, Mist Iron Hoof Day and many others, there will also be events related directly to Web3, distribution of valuable prizes and much more.  I can't wait to see all of this) 

How will the collaboration process work for creating the AI-drawn comic and the subsequent printed storybooks?

I: There will be special events in a closed Discord channel, where we will write the plot of the world in the form of a game.  There will also be global events, where everyone will be able to offer something of their own for the development of the history of the CyborgHorses universe 

What role will CyborgHorse owners play in the storytelling and writing process?

I: I want to involve all owners and others in this as much as possible.  Writing the history of an entire universe is exciting.  Everyone can create their own corner in this world.  I want it to be a thoughtful and holistic universe, like the Lord of the Rings or Star Wars universe.  At this moment, one of the owners is already taking an active part in the development of the universe.  He came up with the names of the heads of two warring clans of Cyborg Horses and we won’t stop there. 

What types of exclusive merchandise can CyborgHorseClub owners expect?

I: Our plans include not just merch like clothing, but also various card games, area maps, figurines and much more.  I really want to cover all the needs as much as possible.  We will also discuss this with the community so as not to make useless and unnecessary merch.  By the way, just now an idea came up with interesting loot boxes) 

 What is the long-term vision for the CyborgHorseClub project, and how do you plan to keep the community engaged over the years?

I: Since we are only at the very beginning of our project, we are just starting to build our community. We are looking for people who will share our aspirations and want to become part of something big.  The project is designed to take years, since it is impossible to build an entire universe in a few weeks.  We will attract and reward people, not only for loyalty to the project, but also for their creativity, for their ideas and for being with us.  For this purpose we will have a lot of different events, airdrops and gifts.  We will become a strong creative community that builds a world for ourselves and the wonderful Cyborg Horses.