Rana Chakrabarti

Senior Experience Designer
$ 2,000,000
Projects Raised
United States
About Rana Chakrabarti
Rana is an experience designer with a deep interest in behavior change. He defines experience design as the business of designing moments. Further, he takes a cinematic approach to designing experiences. Experiences are staged, products are props in a story. Rana has designed experiences for stages ranging from devices ( phone, desktop), spaces ( bus, cafe) and institutions of higher education ( classrooms ) Rana takes a hypothesis-led approach to behavior change. He has proven his hypothesis that systems like Higher Education can be intervened. Currently, he is scaling interventions that empower educators across the U.S., with the ability to integrate design into their curriculum. His emerging interests include culture shifting and ritual design. Rana brings an interdisciplinary perspective to his work, informed by his experiences of creating enterprise-class applications, working in business and leading a design team. He enjoys teaching his design process to startups in the valley and modifying it for students on the autism spectrum. His core influences are cinematic craft, systems thinking and the life and times of Steve Jobs.
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