Darius Udrys

Brand & Development Strategist, ICO Advisor
$ 10,240,675
Projects Raised
About Darius Udrys
Public relations, branding and development consultant with two decades of international experience in Europe and the United States. I help organizations develop and communicate with target audiences to increase awareness, support and income. My experience: • founding partner at Neue Unica branding agency • advisor to two multi-million-dollar ICOs • founding director of Go Vilnius, the official development agency of the City of Vilnius • government relations consultant to international corporations • head of development, communications and alumni relations at the European Humanities University • head of development at the Center for Civic Education • 15 years in media and communications in the US and abroad (including 9 years with Radio Free Europe and 6 years with Lithuanian State Radio as a broadcast journalist) • 8 years in education management • PhD and MA in political science • member, Pacific Council on International Policy, Public Diplomacy Council and Vilnius International Rotary Club • founding member of Global SoCal
Associated ICOs