Alex Kreilein

Managing Partner at Darkfield & Cofounder of SecureSet
Projects Raised
United States
About Alex Kreilein
Alex Kreilein is a Managing Partner of Darkfield, a cybersecurity investment platform and accelerator. He cofounded SecureSet, a cybersecurity education company. He engages corporate C-Suite officers, tech luminaries, security researchers, hackers, and academics to develop and implement strategies kickstarting cybersecurity startups. He co-manages Darkfield to bring enormous value to early-stage startups through focused product development, customer acquisition, and investor engagement strategies. Previously, Alex was a strategist at the Department of Homeland Security and was detailed as a Guest Researcher to the National Institute of Standards & Technology. His work advanced goals in cybersecurity, national security and emergency communications, spectrum management, risk analysis, mobile applications, research and development, and oversight of multi-billion dollar grant programs. Prior to DHS, Alex served as the Managing Director of the CU Boulder venture fund, as well as Legislative Assistant for Congresswoman Jane Harman on technology policy and innovation issues. He has worked as a consultant for major systems integrators in the defense, intelligence, and technology sectors. Alex is a graduate of CU Boulder's College of Engineering and Applied Science with a M.S. in Telecommunications Science and the US Naval War College with a M.A. in National Security & Strategic Studies. He is also a graduate of Fordham University and attended the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China.
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