Adam Grenier

Growth Consultant, Advisor & Angel Investor. EIR @ FirstRound, Former head of Growth Marketing and Innovation at Uber
$ 893,520
Projects Raised
United States
About Adam Grenier
Growth Consultant, Angel Investor and Startup Advisor, former head of Growth Marketing and Marketing Innovation at Uber. I build kick-ass growth strategies, teams and future-minded ideas that aim to make our world a better place. I'm a growth guy by trade, have been in the front row for the digital media takeover, the mobile revolution, social media's boom, programmatic buying online and off, the future of work and now VR and Autonomous Vehicles. I also fancy myself pretty good at building hyper-effective teams spanning seed-round startups and technology groups to billion dollar marketing orgs. Teams that can laugh together will always win. You can also spark a good conversation with me in regards to my family, public speaking, comedy, travel, sports and anything related to the future and innovation.
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