Une blockchain hautes performances requiert 10 innovations du réseau de transport, protocole consensuel outils système.
2019 Jun-Dec
2020 Q1 & Q2
2020 Q3
2020 Q4
Vérifié 0%
Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe
Market Competitive environment:
Projects, which launched protocols based on DAG, were attractive for investors in the past and demonstrated high effectiveness of investments after entering the exchange:
IOTA – in the course of ICO 1,337 BTC was raised, capitalization - $3,3 billion, ROI USD - 2729x
Nano - ICO - not available, capitalization - $359M, ROI USD after entering the exchange - 300x
Byteball - ICO wasn’t held, capitalization - $78M, ROI USD after entering the exchange - 6,3x
Quark Chain - raised - $20M, capitalization – not available, ROI USD - 3,67x
Hedera Hashgraph - at the stage of Private sale $18M was raised, capitalization is unknown.
Jura - ICO - raised - $30M at seed round (not official), capitalization is not available.
The project advantages:
Very strong team.
Well-developed principles of scaling:
Sharding with atomic shard-commits;
The gradual transition for resistance to Sybil-attack and to maintain liveness when swapping shards.
Parallelizing blocks with DAG.
Pruning checkpoints with state blocks for storage and bootstrapping against Byzantine DoS (100x space savings).
Optimistic confirms to trust but verify low-value transactions with shard deposits (verification in less than 1s).
Features and applications unique to Harmony:
Location oracles will be used data feed to simultaneously organize thousands of IoT devices;
Decentralized maps will be used to incentivize users for the creation or achievement points on them (like PokemonGo);
AI Data Marketplace will be used as a high-volume data marketplace and to optimize machine learning performance of the platform.
The project popularity in the social networks and discussion forums
The project is on the radar of the next influencers: ICO Drops, Midgard Research, MM Crypto.
Twitter: 3,4k followers, the average number of likes per post is 3, the average number of retweets per post is 1, without any discussion, user activity is low.
23-May. Sergey: For Harmony and Fantom High interest is a preliminary rating. Just to indicate that the project is interesting( waiting for actual metrics).Harmony is something like HashGraph, Dfinity. Probably not everyone will be able to participate.
Harmony aims to create a high-throughput and scalable blockchain for micro-transactions. They have designed their own language Min and built a prototype compiler to demonstrate its ease and the security. It is available on a GitHub. Nowadays there is a lot of competitors in this sphere: Zilliqa ($830M), Rchain ($470M), Credits ($75M), Algorand, QuarkChain and more.
Harmony has a solid and experienced team in the field of security protocols, compiler verification, AI technologies, and entrepreneurship. They collaborate with advisors which worked for Google, Chrome, Android, WorldPay.
According to the roadmap Harmony aims to deploy 100k tx/sec for payments and financial institutions in 2019.
Still, they even have no website, lack of information about token metrics and ICO details. We can not talk about investment opportunities but definitely, it is worth to put this project on the radar.
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