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Goldilock ICO
EMOTE CRYPTO est une solution fiable pour la conception clé et la sécurité des données numériques. Ecosystème pour fournir des crypto-devises et des actifs numériques dans le forum
26 nov. 2018
30 nov. 2018
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Sur Goldilock

  We based Goldilock on the premise that your data should not be physically connected to the internet when you’re not using it, but that it does need to be available to you from anywhere immediately when you want to access it.

Goldilock is redefining how sensitive digital data is handled by individuals and institutions. Our remote, encrypted individual HSM vaults allow crypto keys and digital assets to be active and immediately available online via a non-IP trigger mechanism, while being physically disconnected and invisible from the internet when not in use by their owner.

Goldilock is revolutionizing the way data is stored on the Internet by building an ecosystem to secure cryptocurrencies and digital assets for individuals and institutions. Debuting in Q2 of 2018 with a product that provides a remote physical disconnection of data from the internet, the system leverages multi-factor authentication, biometrics, regressive non-IP technologies triggers, and cryptography to shift the burden of keeping wallets secure away from the individual investor and on to our physically-segregated platform.

The use of traditional exchanges as a key custody solution is popular and convenient, especially for the less advanced cryptocurrency consumer. However, as seen from routine hacks and thefts that reach into the billions, these methods are less than completely secure. With the integration of Goldilock security's core custody solution, exchanges become a more viable key custody solution by isolating their users from these attacks. We look forward to publicly announcing our first exchange partnerships in the next few weeks!

As a cryptocurrency owner, your top priority is protecting your confidential data while still keeping it immediately accessible. Using Goldilock, you no longer need to tote around a device holding the key to your personal wealth. With Goldilock, private keys are never exposed, sensitive operations are isolated inside your hardware wallet, physically disconnected from the internet, locked in a vault with multi-location redundancy, and accessed remotely via biometric gateways leveraging security codes delivered over multiple device access points. Transactions can't be tampered with, and they are digitally verified in multiple locations simultaneously, leveraging your personal LOCK token.

Goldilock enables the secure, physically disconnected storage of sensitive information such as identification documentation, passwords, bank account and credit card Information, validated KYC information, or private contracts. LOCK token will allow account holders to securely approve sharing of their data and can act as an approval mechanism and escrow for transactions between multiple parties.

Hacks into credit accounts and credit identities occur daily. With the data breach last year at Experian, approximately 150 million households were victims of data theft. Millions of users scrambled to ‘freeze their credit’ to avoid accounts being opened in their name, and many now struggle to unfreeze it. The application of Goldilock technology will eliminate the need to have personal credit information online except in times when you, the owner of that credit information, give instant approval for credit agencies to make it available for specific periods.

Movie and music publishers spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually to protect copyrights and fight against unauthorized distribution of their productions. With the application of Goldilock technology to distributed rights management, these groups can allow for faster distribution of their content while also benefitting from the ability to control who sends and receives their publications. The ultimate result of application of Goldilock technology is wider availability of content, allowing millions of people to access movies and music previously unavailable without the use of nefarious means. Our first client in this area is SmartChain Media.



L'application la plus ambitieuse de la technologie Goldilock a été remarquée à notre portée dans des communautés de soins de santé telles que le Stanford University Hospital. Le respect de la vie privée tout en permettant de partager des données avec des titulaires de comptes autorisés tels que des laboratoires, des médecins, des pharmaciens ou d’autres professionnels de la santé s’avère être l’un des principaux obstacles à la fourniture de soins de meilleure qualité. Notre objectif est d'améliorer la capacité des patients, de leurs familles, des professionnels de la santé et des autres parties prenantes autorisées à partager des données de manière plus sécurisée tout en protégeant les droits de l'individu d'une manière impossible avant nos innovations technologiques.

& nbsp;

Goldilock Équipe

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Tony Hasek
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Jarrod Epps
Co-Founder, CEO
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Brett Miller
non vérifié
Juraj Vitko
Senior Architect
non vérifié
Matty Ayers
Art Director
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Nat Carruthers
User Design Director
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David Pasek
non vérifié
Don Olechowski
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Paul Wallis
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Tyler Adams
non vérifié

Goldilock Dernières nouvelles

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  • Cette information n'est pas une suggestion ou un conseil pour investir dans un financement ICO. Veuillez examiner vous-même les informations pertinentes et décider de la participation de l’OIC.
  • Si vous pensez que des problèmes ou des problèmes doivent être résolus concernant ce contenu, ou si vous souhaitez soumettre votre propre projet ICO pour figurer dans la liste, veuillez nous envoyer un courrier électronique.
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