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Dernière mise à jour

15 févr. 2019

Glyff est une plate-forme décentralisée combinant la cryptographie blockchain et avancée à connaissance nulle dans le but de fournir des contrats intelligents préservant la confidentialité des données et des transferts de valeur. En intégrant des éléments des dernières avancées en matière de cryptographie à la conception éprouvée d'Ethereum, Glyff allie confidentialité et sécurité transactionnelle à une efficacité de traitement informatique.
20 déc. 2018
19 mars 2019
100% terminé
Fonds levés - pas de données
  • 1 GLY
    0.12361 USD
Détails du jeton
Offre totale
Distribution de jetons
GLY tokens generated during the TGE event will be allocated as follows :
TGE : 65 % of the initial supply - 32,500,000 GLY
Team and early contributors : 10% of the initial supply - 5,000,000 GLY
Community Rewards & partners : 10% of the initial supply - 5,000,000 GLY
Glyff reserve : 15% of the initial supply - 7,500,000
Devises Acceptées
Contribution min.
Détails de l'entreprise
Nom de l'entreprise enregistrée
Pays enregistré
United Kingdom
Fondation de l'entreprise
Jul 18, 2017
Bonus Structure
25% Bonus
20 Dec 2018 (00:00 UTC) - 19 Mar 2019 (23:59 UTC)

Main sale:
20% Bonus
20 Mar 2019 (00:00 UTC) - 5 May 2019 (23:59 UTC)
10% Bonus
6 May 2019 (00:00 UTC) - 14 May 2019 (23:59 UTC)
5% Bonus
15 May 2019 (00:00 UTC) - 1 Jun 2019 (23:59 UTC)
0% Bonus
2 Jun 2019 (23:59 UTC) - 19 Jun 2019 (23:59 UTC)
Détails supplémentaires
MVP / Prototype
Les catégories


La blockchain est l'une des inventions récentes les plus importantes. Elle permet aux entreprises et aux particuliers d'envoyer instantanément de l'argent et des informations via Internet, sans avoir besoin de tiers de confiance. . Cependant, la modélisation actuelle renonce complètement à la confidentialité, avec l'intégralité des données et des montants échangés entre les parties exposées au public, tandis que la plupart des applications du monde réel - santé, finances, IdO, etc. - exigent que les détails de leurs opérations restent confidentiels et ne soient pas compatibles. avec un système de blockchain public.

Nous construisons une plate-forme décentralisée de nouvelle génération permettant des transferts de valeur sécurisés et une exécution de contrat intelligente, en toute confidentialité et avec des garanties d'exactitude élevées. Glyff, comme Ethereum, permet le développement d'applications décentralisées, mais avec une différence essentielle: la possibilité de dissimuler des données aux nœuds informatiques. Cela permet aux développeurs d'inclure des données sensibles dans leurs contrats intelligents, directement sur une chaîne, sans compromettre la sécurité.


  • Transactions monétaires privées avec l'expéditeur, le destinataire et les quantités transférées complètement masquées.
  • Intégrité garantie et propriétés de grande anonymat par la cryptographie à nulle connaissance.
  • Les programmeurs non spécialistes peuvent développer des applications axées sur la confidentialité, même sans connaissances en cryptographie.
  • Permet l'utilisation de smart-contract pour les applications décentralisées nécessitant un calcul privé et des données sécurisées.
  • Résout le problème d’évolutivité de la chaîne de blocs avec une transaction succincte et une taille d’épreuve compacte.
  • Fournit une plate-forme de déploiement intersectoriel de la technologie blockchain répondant aux exigences du monde réel.
  • Les applications dans les domaines de la santé, de la finance, de l'Internet des objets, du commerce électronique et de la gouvernance électronique augmenteront les avantages sociaux de ces secteurs.
  • Système de contrat intelligent facilement programmable avec fonctions de confidentialité avancées
  • Application de portefeuille et cadre de développement pour plates-formes ouvertes multi-plateformes

% name% roadmap

  • Q2/3 2018

  • Research starts
    Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)
  • Q3/4 2018

  • Consensus node and wallet (early release)
    Private test-net launch
  • Q1/2 2019

  • Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)
    Token generation event
    Development and code consolidation
    Public test-net launch
  • Q2/3 2019

  • Programmable privacy
    Security audit
    Consensus node and wallet (stable release)
  • Lire la suite
  • Q3/4 2019

  • Main-net launch
    Developer toolchain and documentation
    Mobile wallet (Android/iOS) Équipe

Vérifié 80%

Attention. Il y a un risque que les membres non vérifiés ne soient pas réellement membres de l'équipe

Erik El Annaoui
Noah Vesely
Researcher & Engineer
non vérifié
Anatoli Vedmid
Software Developer
Olga Fomina
Marketing Manager
Dave Narby
Content Editor
vérifié Entretiens

Erik El Annaoui
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a major investor, I had the opportunity to take over this great project and, I can't wait to transform it into a sustainable growing Business with our dedicated team.
What do you think about idea?
I do really think that can benefit the blockchain ecosystem and will provide effective value to many industries especially Health-Care and Finance.
Anatoli Vedmid
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm wallet application developer. Wallet application is build using Electron and Vue.js. My goal is to build stable and easy to use application.
What do you think about idea?
Great idea, excellent project. Glyff projects allows zero-knowledge transactions which guarantees privacy.
Olga Fomina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
arketing and PR are my activity zones. I will try to make sure that as many people as possible know about the project.
What do you think about idea?
It is the project that the world needs right now, when cryptocurrency market and blockchain technology are developing
Dave Narby
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Editing, copywriting, marketing, strategy. Cryptocurrency evangelist with advertising, marketing, and Wall St. experience.
What do you think about idea?
Glyff has the potential to revolutionize smart contracts and usurp Ethereum as the premier vehicle for this sector. Dernières nouvelles

5.0 6
ICO Profil Vision Activité Potentiel Produit Équipe

% nom%

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

Glyff is a decentralized platform which delivers privacy-preserving smart contracts and transfers of value by using zero-knowledge cryptography. Protecting identities, private data and business intelligence, Glyff team envisions a safer future for both companies and individuals at large.


  • Glyff achieves the highest privacy by leveraging a cryptographic technique known as “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge”(zk-SNARK), which allows the verification of a smart contract without revealing the data that held within it. That way, computation can be carried out verifiably while all the information can be immutably recorded onto the blockchain without being exposed to third parties.
  • The specialized compiler handles the complexities of the cryptographic protocol between the blockchain and the user, producing applications easy to deploy and run on the Glyff platform, ultimately enabling non-specialist programmers to create advanced privacy-preserving applications without in-depth knowledge of the underlying cryptography.
  • Glyff is a solution for all the industries where the privacy of clients’ data is in the first place. Potential users of the platform can be representatives of the healthcare IT sector, global e-commerce and IoT (Internet of Things). Glyff enables such organizations to develop applications that will improve operations whilst safeguarding sensitive data as standard. The significant cost-savings and radical improvements to operational speed will prove a powerful incentive.
  • Glyff has the opportunity to become the platform, which connects trade, and banking from end to end, providing a common language on which smart contracts can be agreed and executed upon at speed and with the confidentiality and security that could result in increased gains and reduction in costs.
  • The Atum token (ATU) is the default, privacy-preserving transferable token, implementing the Atum standard and running on the Glyff platform. ATU token will be allocated to GLY token holders in addition to the GLY token (the main, ERC-20 compatible token), based on a predetermined ratio of 1:4 to the GLY tokens purchased and used as means of exchange on the network.
  • The Glyff platform will be managed by a constantly growing team of crypto and security specialists, software developers and business development managers.


  • The Company will not organize trading of GLY and Atum tokens on the exchange or over-the-counter markets. It prohibits the circulation of GLY and Atum tokens outside the Glyff platform.
  • GLY or Atum token holders will not get any economic benefits from the income received by the Company.
  • GLY and Atum tokens have no utility or application outside of the Glyff platform or Glyff wallet.
  • GLY and Atum tokens purchasers should have no expectation of influence over governance of the platform.
  • The purchasing, obtaining or transferring of GLY or Atum tokens, or usage of the Glyff, Glyff platform or Glyff wallet may have tax consequences for the purchaser.


  • Engage GLY and Atum token holders into the decision-making process.
  • Provide token owners with incentives in the form of economic benefits from the use of the Glyff platform or its resources.
  • Consider the usage of company tokens outside the Glyff platform.


The goal of Glyff is to create an easily accessible, privacy-preserving decentralized platform on which all businesses can benefit from smart contracts. It will provide the security and privacy required to ensure an efficient transaction environment, which is trust-less, scalable and fully accessible to those without extensive knowledge of cryptography such that it can be truly ubiquitous and with no barriers. That is why, despite all the drawbacks, I'd like to invest in this project.

Lire la suite
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